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19,058 Views92 Favorites04 Nov 2021


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


04 Jan 2024
@seabirdy Where can I find her content?


05 Dec 2022
@womangutstabber hello I love to take and stabe women in ther belly button when they are pregnant and ther belly looks like a huge gint soft squishy balloon it makes me hard and cum it's just like bursting a huge gint balloon I'm really into girls getting stabbed in there huge gint soft squishy balloon tits lots of blood


10 Jul 2022
@seabirdy I think you should contact her, meet with her and mercilessly shove ta large knife you have into her stomach, with slow and brutal thrusts-there is no bigger sexual gift, than fulfiling someone's fetish... making it real! It's sex at another level.
All those who don't receive such gifts, yeah, they remain unharmed, but unfulfilled. The world is full o women who crave that gift, so badly, but no one to receive it from!


10 Jul 2022
@womangutstabber Last sentence could be misunderstood: I did deny it of course and did not waste a second about thinking it over.


09 Jul 2022
@womangutstabber Guess no. For me it is about lust, not about getting hurt. But if someone chose to kill me some day, I hope, he'd use a knife :-D. And stabbing someone for real is not an option. I even have been offered this, to stab the belly of a young Italian lady, a few years ago. I did not even think about denying.


09 Jul 2022
@seabirdy True. And btw, I like the things you say and how you explain them, it's poetry to me. As for the accidental stabbing part...yes, it's true, you could get hurt...But isn't that the fantasy? ;)


09 Jul 2022
@seabirdy I understand you point... But imagine the privilege of having that same fate, for real...that's the equivalent o really enjoying some super delicious meal, not just looking at it in a catalog!


09 Jul 2022
PART 2: You can imagine, that someone can easily hurt or with bad luck even kill himself this way. That's why I refer to non-dangerous methods only. I DO love to live and I would not want to hurt (or even kill) myself or any play partner seriously, no way!
Why I still love watching those vids: because while watching, I almost feel, what the actresses (would) feel in my place and it feels great for me. Like some projection, that's all.


09 Jul 2022
PART 1: Not really and I am talking about myself only. I love seeing girl's bellies stabbed, sure, but not, because I am into death. The point is, that, when I feel something pointy (like a knife) on some regions of belly or breast (especially navel or nipples), I do not feel pain. Au contraire, I feel lust. Much more so, if already horny. In this state I could hurt myself seriously by stabbing a knife into my flesh for a few centimeters without feeling anything but


08 Jul 2022
@seabirdy I get it.... But don't we all look for the real thing?


07 Jul 2022
@womangutstabber Well, as I explained. On one hand it sure looks fascinating watching someone, who obviously likes it, doing it. I, at least, would / could not do something like this to a play partner (or myslf). On the other hand, posting real stuff material (possibly like this) is highly likely to get you banned from whatever website ...


06 Jul 2022
@seabirdy So what if she likes the real thing?


07 Nov 2021
what a waste of some pretty panties


05 Nov 2021
careful with content from MaiMai. She is an adorable asian girl with hot material, but she also loves to do the real thing. That's why she keeps being banned from loads of websites. This video looks like the stabbed belly is fake, though, but with her, you never know, she already has done some real stabbings. To avoid being banned, re-posters should take care not to post this material of her.