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2-Owned by maggots

5,842 Views65 Favorites23 Oct 2020


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


30 Apr 2024
Excellent! How long does a session last for the maggots to collect so tightly in the holes? And are the small ones better than the big ones?


03 Dec 2023
A truly infested cock. So nice to see


01 Nov 2023
Ja überall und ganz tief


18 Jul 2023
@Celler Thank you so much!


18 Jul 2023
@AlexFeet312 Leave raw meat outside when the summer temperatures are warm, which is right now. The flies find it very quickly to lay their eggs on it, then just wait a day or two or a little longer depending on how big you want the maggots to be. Just try!


18 Jul 2023
Do you know how I can get those worms in the fastest way?


08 Oct 2022
Fucking hot. Well packed


15 Jun 2021
@Homocabbage Yes, I notice how they are writhing under the foreskin and in the pee hole. Depending on the size and number, you notice a more or less intense, but pleasant pinching.
These maggots usually only go as deep as they are themselves long. You still need to be able to breathe through your buttocks.
If maggots get too deep, they die in the pee tube and are peed out again.


14 Jun 2021
@Celler what does it feel like? Can you feel them moving? How deep do they go?


14 May 2021
@DARKNIIIGHT thank you, is was a wunderful feeling


09 Nov 2020
Do you not feel the big ones biting inside the urethra? Does it hurt? Cause just ones that are half that size hurt like a mother for me


25 Oct 2020
@maggotslover i will try it next summer ...


24 Oct 2020
Great felling,. Can you do that with your asshole?