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Like Throwing a Hotdog Down a Hallway

1,135 Views19 Favorites09 Jan 2014


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


03 Apr 2016
I have one scene of hers, and the dude reminds me of her bro....if it ain't, then like must attract


02 Jun 2015


04 Apr 2015
@PeppermintPizza Fun Fact - I don't actually give a fuck. Reading your comment I'm assuming you are either her or a weak validation seeking gen z male. Seeing as you made an account just to post this comment it's a toss up between the two. Anyone who "belives" otherwise just doesn't understand cunts or faggots.


28 Feb 2015
Fun Fact - I've actually fucked Kairi, and trust me, she can be just as tight as she wants to be. Just because she doesn't clench down on a toy while on cam, doesn't mean she ain't tight. Anyone who belives otherwise just doesn't understand anatomy.