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Pissed On Cute Teen Redreayd Doesn't Like It

73,310 Views557 Favorites14 Mar 2024


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


25 May 2022
@Rdnk78 bruh this is ao cringe


24 Mar 2017
someone please make a techno remix of him saying "head back".. this is ridiculous. The cunt is clearly a ugly lowlife trashbag with no self esteem any other normal female would not let this wimp do what he wants to her. There was no dominanc what so ever. And does it realy make him proud or feel manly to piss on her? if shes AAA and smart like hell you can be proud having that bitch suck ya dick and toes and drink ya piss otherwise.. cmon^^


10 Sep 2016
Dumb fucking cunt can't even follow the most simple instructions. I would have beaten the fuck out of her!


30 Jul 2015
@SickSamX I thought the same exact fucking thing! This dude had no clue how to treat a filthy cunt like this. Not in my house...HELL no would a cunt get away with that shit.


30 Jul 2015
@grimraper This dude was way too easy on this cunt. Is it fucking retarded? When you say "HEAD BACK' it means HEAD BACK! I would have slapped the shit out of this inferior disrespectful pig!


24 Jun 2014
head back bitch


21 Jan 2012
Hey bigpervman, just like to say you're fucked and she's too good for you. I'm not being a whiteknight because some people deserve girls, and others don't. You're one of them. Nor am I jealous because who in their right mind would want to do this to a woman?

Just kill yourself, and ask her to leave.