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Young escort girl strangled during erotic fetish

40,588 Views285 Favorites30 Apr 2018


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


09 Oct 2023
Does anyone know her name?


06 Sep 2018
Very hot death in leather/latex leggings. Any other vids death in leather/latex leggings?


29 Aug 2018
The last part doesn't make sense, though. He twists her head with a crunching sound, as if he's breaking her neck. But she continues to struggle and make choking sounds.

If her neck were broken, she'd be paralyzed. Not able to move her arms or legs, and her chest muscles and diaphragm would be paralyzed so she wouldn't be trying to breathe either. She might be still alive, even conscious, but she would lie there as limp as if she were dead. Only her face could express emotions.


29 Aug 2018
He never gives her any warning before strangling her, but I think her behavior indicates consent: when he strangles her, she doesn't try to peel his hands off, she grabs the bedclothes or sometimes pounds her hands on the bed.

And when she wakes up, she says something in a cooing voice. Even if we can't understand what she's saying, it definitely seems to be loving and encouraging. (continued)


19 Jun 2018
Escort had no friends to expect her home and was prime target for this guy. She is so hot...