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Worm14 - all in!

2,571 Views19 Favorites09 May 2023


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


03 Oct 2023
Beautiful set up to hold your cock and you had a perfect opening for the entry. Such an incredible feeling having the worm inside of you exploring. I love it when they use the little hair bristles on their body to pull deeper.


27 Aug 2023


16 May 2023
@biggarg Yes can feel every one of the big ones turn. I think that is the most intense part of a session. The little ones are easy. I want many big ones in. Guess it maybe time to try a leech.


14 May 2023
Great session! Could you feel him turning around in you? To bad the second one wasn't interested. The most I ever got in were 3 smaller ones and almost a fourth.