21 Aug 2012 1:48PM
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i'm going to switch from being a democrat cuz i'm sick and tired of all the nigs and faggots whining all the time. This is 2012, go get a fuckin job and stop taking advantage of the system. being a dem no longer means anything to me as much as i hate to admit.

fuck all you faggots for making the choice to be fags. If i offend any of you, keep in mind, i don't really give a fuck.

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21 Aug 2012 4:33PM

Lol, that is a good point. That was back when America was god's country. Before all the political correctness.

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21 Aug 2012 6:26PM

Well I might as well give my opinion as well.

This is 2012, grow some mother fucking tolerance that basicaly all religions and morals say you're suposed to have.

I also reckon the OP has some form of Govt assistance.

Wisdom overcomes all ignorance if people learn it. Educate yourself, TYT and RT america on youtube.

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21 Aug 2012 7:49PM

Op, I'm 100% sure you will not be missed by the democrat party. If it's condolence, next time I take a hard shit, I promise to think of you. I might even shed a tear,or two.
Oh,..I almost forgot. You owe me for having to pay someone to translate that shit you said into English.

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22 Aug 2012 1:53PM

If he's black, Jesse Jackson will miss him!

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21 Aug 2012 11:44PM

OP - your post certainly shows how years of democratic indoctrination can impact your perception of the world however; attitudes such as yours are not allowed in the party of tolerance so please seek remedial help from one of the third party�s before applying to join the republican party.

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22 Aug 2012 2:06AM

Yeh! Tell ALL of these politicians and lawyers to go get a job!!! LOL@bigots with little dicks!!!

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22 Aug 2012 2:11AM

Fuck thats a cage full of monkeys

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22 Aug 2012 2:19AM

Wow! There's a pick you'll never see on the news cycles! Sweet pic! That's why they hate us! Some blacks are unified against them. And they know it. Now they're afraid and they show it. With outbursts over the web (behind closed doors).
Cowards!!!!! THE FUCKING LOT OF U!!
And believe, not all whites are unified. We fuck their bitches! They'd die for us! They do in some cases! Oh well. FUCK EM!
P.s . . . if jus look over to ur left at the nice pic, u'll understand the real reason for so much hate.

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22 Aug 2012 2:21AM

Number 1 reason they hate us (not their bitches though) lol!

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22 Aug 2012 1:52PM

Almost all of the democrat representatives were lawyers or married someone rich. Almost all of the republican representatives had to work hard or be successful businessmen.

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23 Aug 2012 1:38PM

cool generalization bro.

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22 Aug 2012 2:09AM

OP-welcome to the good side. Congratulations on waking up and putting down that cup of liberal koolaid. You will make yourself a better person. Hell, you might even stop looking at porn. Who am I kidding? ha! This shit never gets old.

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22 Aug 2012 9:18AM

Awesome. Another racist hatemonger to join your ranks! Congratulations!

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22 Aug 2012 1:20PM

What�s it say about a group when even a racist hatemonger thinks it is to hateful to belong to.

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22 Aug 2012 1:43PM

democrats were great back in the J.F.K. days. Now, I can't be one because they are idiots. The crap they believe takes way more faith to buy than religion does. They hate whites, especially men. They hate women, trying to turn them into men. They claim killing a baby is a "woman's right" and accuse you of sexism if you point out the obvious that the baby is a separate living being and you can scientifically prove it. (I don't care if you kill your baby, really I don't, but just admit it) Liberals repeatedly yell "racist" whenever you prove them wrong in an argument to try to drown you out, especially when race was never brought up in the conversation.

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22 Aug 2012 1:43PM

Other liberals will hear the "racist" cry and jump in and also yell at the top of their lungs, eager to prove what sheep they are. Liberals hate Bush, but when Obama is the EXACT SAME THING BUT WORSE, they love him. The current democrat keynote speaker was accused of rape and openly cheated on his wife that he doesn't respect, but the democrats love him; however, Akin just says something dumb about rape (didn't commit it like the democrat) and the liberals can't hate on him enough, because he's a republican.

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22 Aug 2012 1:44PM

I can go on and on... Sorry, but Democrats are idiots. This is practically fact, via inductive logic. I may not like Republicans, but I can't bring myself to be associated with Democrats. They must think their supporters are stupid by how they talk to them to get their votes and treat them like kids. No thank you.

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22 Aug 2012 2:22PM

That's quite a list of random opinions, generalizations, and stereotypes.

I hate white men? I am a white man. I love women, except short, fat, loud ones.

I have no opinion on abortion. Let the states decide for themselves.

I hate people because of their actions not their political party. O'Reilly is a pretty sharp guy but Limbaugh is a fat, blowhard idiot. Colbert is also pretty sharp while Maher is a smug hipster I would like to punch. I can't say I feel anything towards the speaker except the general disdain I have for most politicians and their sordid dealings. Akin is a moron for saying what he did but he's forgettable and will be forgotten soon enough.

Finally, you cannot reach fact through inductive logic. You can reach some probable truth but you need sufficiently numerous examples. If you are you attempting to assert some enumerative induction, where are your samples from? If they come from your personal life, you are just spouting off opinion - not logic, and definitely not fact.

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22 Aug 2012 5:36PM

You praise Colbert and O'Reilly, but only one of them is a real life Conservative. Can you guess which?

Wisdom overcomes all ignorance if people learn it. Educate yourself, TYT and RT america on youtube.

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23 Aug 2012 1:52AM

I'm not concerned with their party affiliation. I think I said that already...

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23 Aug 2012 11:31AM

Since you don't recognize you party flauses. Please let me help you out.

1. GAY RIGHTS: Who gives a fuck what people of same sex do behind close doors? Republicans do, so what they are in love and they want to get married. So what they want the same rights as other married people. Why is this even an issue? Republicans........

2. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Corporate greed comes first. Even if that means sacrificing the environment. Why not take care of the earth? This is our only home, for now.

3. RELIGION: If you don't share the same Christian based values, morals, and/or beliefs. You are automatic wrong in way you think.

4. ABORTION: I believe it should be a women's choice. Who are we to tell what a woman can do with her body? We was not there to direct sex scene. Each pregnancy with a woman is different. We don't know the situation. It could be from rape, or life threatening. Besides we stay in an over populated world, over seven billion, and counting.

5. ASSISTED SUICIDE: I know this is not a current issue. Like I said before, "we stay in an over populated world". We could save millions in medicare cost. While saving someone a long drawn out, and sometimes very painful death. I know this is something that Republicans could never let fly.

6. GUN RIGHTS: You want to talk about how killing wrong (abortion), but want to protect the right to own the tool to do the killing with.

For me it's not a black,or white thing. It's right, or wrong thing. I could go on,and on, but I'm tried of typing for

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24 Aug 2012 4:40AM

1. GAY "RIGHTS": They have the same rights as anyone else does, they can marry someone of the opposite sex. Until you change the definition of marriage, that's simply how it is. Now the kicker, democrats who claim to believe in Darwinistic Evolution should know that being gay is not "natural" and you can't be "born that way". Other animals may be horny as fuck and screw anything with a hole (including other males) but only humans are monogamously homosexual, and only in western countries where they have nothing better to do. You don't see it in 3rd world countries where people actually have to struggle to survive instead of sit around being bored acting emo. Evolution states that everything is about making viable off-spring, and mutations that don't help that don't survive. You can't aggree with biology and "gay rights". No one cares what you faggots do behind closed doors, but quit lying and blaming biology.

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24 Aug 2012 6:28AM

That's quite a rant and you may actually have a point. Only problem is, nobody was talking about biology or being natural. This is about legality and changing the "definition" of marriage is central to the issue. They are fighting for the right to marry whomever they want to, not who the government says they can marry.

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24 Aug 2012 9:43AM

Your right changing the definition of marriage is central to the issue but really the questions should be why do you want to change it. Domestic unions are available around the country that give the same or nearly the same rights as marriage with some minor changes in the law this legal status would give all the �Rights� of marriage. But marriage is a religious term and institution and this fight really isn�t about �Rights� it�s really about using the law to force churches to accept gays. If the leaders of the gay rights movement had dropped the lets change the definition of marriage requirement a long time ago they would have their rights already because really nobody cares what happens behind closed doors.

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24 Aug 2012 4:45AM

2. In case you haven't noticed, Democrats are bought out by corporate greed just as much, if not moreso, than the republicans. Take Obama's bail-outs, even after we saw under Bush that they were a bad idea. Also notice how democrats are always pushing for more regulations and taxes to cripple small businesses, which only keeps big corporations in power without any threat of competition. For example, if bubblegum was really popular in a town so that everyone was constnatly buying it, and the city decides that anyone who wants to sell bubblegum needs to buy a $1,000/year permit, what happens? The mom and pop stores can't afford it, and therefore can't sell the bubblegum. But your walmarts and CVSs are huge and paying that fine is a drop in the bucket, it kills their competition, so now everyone has to buy bubblegum from them. Democrats are owned by big corporations, and you suckers keep voting for it while ignorantly chanting anti-capitalistic dogma. You're as bad as the guy who BOUGHT a shirt that says "capitalism sucks".

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24 Aug 2012 6:30AM

Another tangential rant. His point was about the environment.

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24 Aug 2012 9:35PM

Republicans and Democrats bow to the same "environment destroying" companies, it's completely on point. Although, if you look into the facts, the situation is quite exaggerated from the environmentalist point of view.

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24 Aug 2012 4:48AM

3. Religion: Actually, it's very rare that republicans give a shit what your religion is. If you haven't noticed, Romney is currently the republican front-runner, and most christians don't consider mormonism a christian religion. However, democrats hate christians. They are the first to cry that they're offended if a cross is hung in a public place, even though they're just fine with muslim moons and jewish stars. Democrats are always there to attack and mock the religious, which is funny becuase you have to have huge faith to believe in the senseless liberal crap that the democrats spout. You have to believe in fairytale economics, imaginary utopias that don't even work on paper, that taxing the hell out of the middle class somehow helps them economically, etc.

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24 Aug 2012 6:37AM

Whew... you make a lot of baseless accusations and claims but provide zero evidence. Are you personally familiar with Republicans everywhere and have knowledge of how they handle their religious beliefs? Ditto for Democrats and their opinions on Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

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24 Aug 2012 4:54AM

4. Abortion: No one is telling a woman what to do with her body. However, they are concerned what she does to the body of others. You can scientifically PROVE that a fetus is not the body of a woman. Take DNA tests, seperate heartbeat and brainwaves, and other things, such as a baby can be born without AIDS from an AIDS-infected mother. You may say bullshit like "but it depends on her to survive". So what, it's the same exact thing after the baby is born, but you aren't going to argue a born baby is still part of her body, are you? Democrats love to say things that make no logical sense to get votes. Calling abortion a "woman's right" is a great example of this. Do you really think that women are that stupid? Well, liberals apparently are... It's also funny that they want to have full responsibility and count the man out when it's time to decide over an abortion, but if they decide to keep it then suddenly they want the man to be responsible and be her sugar daddy with kid support checks. Can't have it both ways, either the man should be held responsible, or he shouldn't.

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24 Aug 2012 6:43AM

You started out ok, but failed to connect your claims to a point. So what if the baby is a separate being? So is the woman. Does that mean the state has authority over what she does with her body? You get lost easily in emotionalism and have difficulty staying focused.

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24 Aug 2012 9:27PM

The point clearly is that it's not her body. Abortion is not suicide, it's homicide. Also, there should be fairness in holding a man responsible, either you do or don't. Not both ways, depending on what only benefits one side of the coin.

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25 Aug 2012 8:46AM

Holding a man responsible? You never heard of chi*d support? When it comes to abortion. Women (always) have the upper hand.
They can choose to have an abortion,or not. Either way, it's always the man that pays at end. With no real choice in the matter. Outside the decision to have sex.

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24 Aug 2012 9:43PM

It's not about banning abortion, it's about recognizing that it's a separate life. If you still want to kill your baby, OK fine. Just don't be make-believing excuses that it was just a tumor growth.

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24 Aug 2012 4:57AM

6. Without going into the need for guns and the 2nd amendment, which you obviously don't understand... would you rather be beat to death or stabbed slowly with a kichen knife, or shot and get it over with quickly? Killers are gonna kill. And then there's the obvious idea that banning something only stops the lawful citizens from having it, which makes the criminals jobs easier when they know they aren't threatened. There's plenty of research to show that crime rises where guns are banned, and vice-versa. Now, republicans go overboard with their love of unnecessary fully-automatics and bazookas, but banning guns entirely is a bad idea.

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24 Aug 2012 6:47AM

I agree with you here, but then, I don't fit into your cookie-cutter stereotype of what a liberal/Democrat is. This is a huge part of your problem though. Slinging generalizations is like throwing a handful of darts at a dartboard with your eyes closed. Sure, some of them are gonna stick, but most are going to fall flat.

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