7 Days Ago Aroaro commented
Please dont lay her flat on her back if she is out, she could suffocate on her own tongue. Put her on her own side so if she pukes it will run out of her mouth instead of her throat. I cant believe how some people treat a lady that is willing to hang for them and for us... Dont endanger them more than necessary for the art.
10 May 2024 Aroaro commented
Maybe she want try the pole garotte some time, since its less effort and more effective for the stranglers.
10 May 2024 Aroaro commented
@semperkinky Thats too bad on one hand, since a full real hanging would sell really good, on the other hand its good that she has fixed boundaries and will not cross them in this dangerous field.
08 May 2024 Aroaro commented
@slipcasedjuggla Are there any plans for a full suspended hanging? Or is this considered to dangerous?
23 Apr 2024 Aroaro commented
04 Apr 2024 Aroaro commented
@Atrocite Im afraid you are right. In all other videos the girls breathing reflexes kicked in as soon as they slapped them in the face, but here you can see she is not breathing at all, her body doesnt react to the slaps. Im pretty sure they have gone way to far and the poor girl is now completely disabled at minimum, if she didnt even die in this bag.

On one side my dick loves this idea, but my brain is devastated about this. Nobody should die for a damn porn video.
31 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
What was the name of the movie again, i forgot it...
25 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
Are you alone? This is how people die. It would be a waste and a shame if you die cause you are playing alone.
23 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
How does it come we have real hangings on this site, like full suspended naked slipknot hangings from CW, where the girls are hanging for real with their whole bodyweight in a running noose, but all garottings i have seen so far are obviously fakes? I garroted myself as a teenager in my active playphase and i know how it looks and sounds, and no video comes even near this, its all EWP fake sounds even by CW.

Why, im asking? Why girls hanging for real, but are not garotted for real?
18 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
@skyt6129 This, and she is not convulcing which gives it away totally. Normally as soon as someone looses conciousness on the rope he starts pulling the lower abdomen up, its a reflex the body has to try to get air.
18 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
@Buzzcox100 Something i would love to have to all of their videos
15 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
@Hangher Sorry for destroying your fantasy, but i would always prefer a thin cord if i had to die by hanging over a thick rope. This cord will cut deeply into the neck, closing all blood vessels completely shut and the black out would occur in 5-10 seconds. And pretty sure you wouldnt even feel it from the moment of shock from free hanging.
15 Mar 2024 Aroaro commented
Very old, a classic, and since back then a constant reminder of how dangerous this stuff is. She was only a few seconds away from nice brain damage, a few more from being a vegetable, and a minute from permanent death, and he was not prepared at all.
27 Feb 2024 Aroaro commented
@aspheetied Are the videos up here? I cant seem to find them
30 Jan 2024 Aroaro commented
What i was always wondering, what exactly was that? A suicide attempt? One of these stupid TikTok Challenges? Something sexual? Is there any context behind this?
20 Jan 2024 Aroaro commented
@alecblud12 Yep, if she had gone out she would have died there, its always a stupid idea to use doors this way...
11 Jan 2024 Aroaro commented
Good old Chase, always used way to flexible ropes for his girls, so they only once or twice had the chance to experience a full suspended hanging.
05 Jan 2024 Aroaro commented
And that is how so many of us die each year, even though they thought they were safe because they had the feet on the ground. A blackout happens in a second, you wont even notice it and even if its already to late, if you press up you change the blood pressure and black out anyway, maybe even faster. And from then on its just convulsions until death.

And still so many are playing alone.
22 Dec 2023 Aroaro commented
tbh, this is definitly too much in my opinion. This girl is doing great stuff, but to go this far could lead to permanent brain damage.
19 Dec 2023 Aroaro commented
I love the little detail in this series. If you look at the drop, you can see that Carlas knot slipped a bit behind her head, while the knots of the other ones stayed on the side of their heads. Based on just anatomie without accounting personal stamina, weight and movement it only makes sense that Carla would pass out first.
08 Dec 2023 Aroaro commented
This girl looks like a child. She has no hips and no breasts, if it hadnt had the name on it so i was able to look her up and see that she is a famous actress in pornography, i must admit i would have reported it
29 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
Mostly everything done wrong what you could do wrong in this fetish, and based on the quality if this is the source material (what i believe, i have never seen pics or vids on this one in HD) its one of his first he has ever produced.

So yeah, this is a perfect example to everyone new to this fetish/kink on what NOT to do, if you wanna hang your partner or be hanged by your partner.

- Rope not fixed properly allowed the drop
- no stop knot allowed the thight squeeze
- no slip knot too
23 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
@Aroaro ck I only cut off my airways, but not my blood supply to the brain, so I would consider it way more safe to play alone (still dangerous though).

So yeah, I wonder why there are woman which will hang fully unsupported even with a short drop which could dislocate their necks, but the only vids about a garotte are 99% fake ones. And what makes matter worse for me: Studios like Insex had real garottes, with metal bars and a screw mechanism, and then they never fully used them.
23 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
@Nina_Unknown These are exactly my thoughts. I hung myself for pleasure years ago and i remember to this day the pain and uncomfort of the tightening noose (used a slipknot myself, stupid i know) and the following days. And you are right, a garotte is way less dangerous and way less painful, I garroted myself with a rope and a stick around a tables leg and while I was aroused I didnt feel any pain, just oncoming panic cause I couldnt breath. And since the tableleg was thicker than my ne
22 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
@Hang_4_me_now Also, out of my own experience: If its a slim rope that glides good it will leave very ugly marks for a few days and if you are unprepared it will hurt like hell for days too. It wasnt as good as i thought tbh
22 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
@Nina_Unknown Love this device too. But isnt there a lack of pornography about it? I mean we see girls really hang in slipknot nooses by cruel world, we see real hanging in fixed nooses all around the net for fetish reasons, but i cant remember a single vid in which someone goes the full length of using a garotte until no more breathing possible. Why is that you think?
22 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
See 2 possible options if someone comes alone in this situation: Scream like hell is loose until someone comes that hasnt sinister ideas, or grab the key with the toes and then hang yourself in the chain, lifting the feet to the hands trying to grab the key before you pass out.
07 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
I get so nervous seeing this. Girl, if you black out suddenly (which is a normal cause of death in this fetishscene) you will die. Your body will cramp up and slowly suffocate, you will not be able to loosen your rope. NEVER bind your rope to anything if you dont have a partner to play with (and even then its dangerous). This is how thousands of people die each year while masturbating.
07 Nov 2023 Aroaro commented
@pursuinghappy This guy is a menace, he did multiple hangings with different woman and he always let them hang way to long. Full suspension starts at 0:05, she is completely out at 0:12, from then on until 1:08 she is just convulsing and cramping, 56 Seconds long she is hanging blacked out, means her brain is not recieving enough oxygen to stay concious.

Fucking. Menace. She could have died there, and i bet she lost some brain cells on this session, maybe she is a veggie now.
09 Oct 2023 Aroaro commented
What interests me is how tight is the noose in the end. Like i would mark it after putting it around her neck and a second mark after she lost conciousness, so i could see how small the circle got while hanging.
02 Oct 2023 Aroaro commented
@Silent_Thoughts Sadly i guess she died. Cause if there was nobody else behind the camera, there is no way she freed herself since she was already convulsing making it clear she was already unconcious, and from till then there are only 2 things which can save you in the first 1-2 minutes: The rope fails and you will fall down or someone gets you down there.

On the other hand the cut at the end could mean the person behind the cam saved her, but didnt wanna be on this site.
02 Oct 2023 Aroaro commented
@Atemlos Die Darstellerin hängt (vermutlich mit einem Brustharnisch) an der Holzwand, nicht am Hals ;)
09 Sep 2023 Aroaro commented
@Elliekat i mean its still solo play if you are alone in the room xD If something goes wrong the guy on the phone can only dial 911 while you suffocate, if you live in a rural area you can get brain damage and even die before the ambulance is there.

I understand the rush, i played solo for years, but maybe consider meeting up with the phone guy and do it together.
25 Aug 2023 Aroaro commented
@xrootx Do you by chance also have TRAN34? I only saw a very pixelated version of this sadly.

23 Jul 2023 Aroaro commented
@Atrocite There were a few on DFN in the early days. The woman was named Jessica i think. But i dont have porn saved on my PC and the old DNF is gone, so you have to rely on Motherless and similar sites. I can look if i can find something here.
01 Jul 2023 Aroaro commented
@HangBallou And you never know how this people got into the "agreement" of "playing" hang. Cause there is only a small grit between a little fetish play that will get you 1000 bucks, or a real dance in a closed noose until death.

For me as a rule it is, as soon as the noose is around your neck and the rope is so tight you cant slip out of it, you are not in charge, you are a piece of meat totally in the hands of the other part, it doesnt matter if you are bound or not.
23 May 2023 Aroaro commented
@porndumpsterxxx I know right? I mean this guy has woman hanged with real slipknots, which is extremly dangerous and hurts like shit. He hanged Woman for 30 seconds until they blacked out. But he has no videos on his site with a real garroting, i cant understand that...
23 May 2023 Aroaro commented
Wieso muss man Pornos mit der Garotte faken? Wieso gibt es nicht mehr solcher Videos? Es gibt Frauen die lassen sich für Pornos aufhängen und riskieren extreme gesundheitliche Folgen, aber ein bisschen den Hals zudrehen traut sich keine?
08 May 2023 Aroaro commented
@hang4me same
30 Apr 2023 Aroaro commented
@xrootx i would love to become your friend too!