02 Oct 2023 Attis4496 commented
I can imagine that. Merciless but inresistable.
01 Oct 2023 Attis4496 commented
Gee! I don't have it either. Ask at your Indian embassy
26 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Nick_88 I love comments. It gives me some information what themes are more interesting for vievers. My main theme is castration of cheating husbands but that is a more female motive, not a male motive. However, the ladies on this site love it. So, just comment.
24 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
Emilia Bohaioiuc already castrated several men just for her pleasure and for free. She is a middle-aged Italian woman and understands and speaks English. (not fluently)
23 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
@edgar89 Thanks Edgar. If you like these kind of pics you could also subscribe to the group - Motherless Knife Club -
Beautiful girls & women handling knives. Excellent color matching, color balances. You can even see parts of the handles between the fingers. Knives cast shadows on the skin as in real photograps.
23 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
@edgar89 Thanks Edgar. I'm still improving, technically speaking. There are puctures you wouldn't tell they are fake.
21 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
Spread pic in feminists circles and forums.
17 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
Spread pic in feministic circles. Very suitable for posting elsewhere (i.e. women's forums). Hardly any adult content.
07 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
@otaking3582 Apart from some color and contrast adjustments to obtain a better match with the lower half (also from the internet) I did not manipulate this picture. I got it somewhere but I don't remember where.
04 Sep 2023 Attis4496 commented
This pic is soft castration porn. No explicit adult content. No nudity. Women-friendly. Can be uploaded anywhere (e.g. women's forums) . Please, spread picture.
27 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Eerect I don't know where she lives or where she practices, otherwise I could tell you.
24 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
This picture is a remake of a similar picture posted earlier. The older picture has been deleted.
22 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Nick_88 Yep, and I'm still improving.
17 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Chaub Be careful with what you say. She might take your balls with that little knife after your cumming.
16 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@SweetHilda Thank you very much. My technique is still improving. Sometimes I delete older pictures because I'm not satifified anymore about color-balances, contrast or scharpness or I remake them. BTW, If you download my pics they are yours and you can upload them elsewhere.
What theme interests you the most?
10 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@SweetHilda You can hardly resist her. She's not a man-hater but has only a peculiar hobby and loves the cutting and collecting trophies.
BTW, this is one of the best pictures I ever made. Technically perfect.
08 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@popap1978 See her scalpel? It's pointing to the cock!
06 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Bazboy74 In that case you should subscribe to the group:
women who castrate white bois
I've also posted pictures there. But the other man in that group is always black (BNWO-agenda).
01 Aug 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Nick_88 Well, You'll have to go to India to be fixed by that lady. Have a nice vacation and leave your balls over there.
24 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
Mandatory? Yes and No. Everyone is free to live the life he/she chooses. BTW, cheating is also a choice, not a mistake. However, it should be made allowable and legal in our society. That was the main obstacle in my former marriage. There should also be the possibiliy to have is done safely and legally if a consent exists and the wife demands it.
23 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Sissylover666 In fact I had such a relation in my former marriage. We arranged everything including legal issues. A consent was filed with the notary in a sealed envelope. I never cheated on my wife because she was serious about that. Before I met her I was a stray dog. The marriage was utterly destroyed by my mother-in-law. It's the 2nd cause of divorce in the Netherlands. You already have noticed that this theme is abundantly present in my pics.
23 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Corrupted1ntent I just sent a friend request. :-)
BTW, I had a similar relationship with my former wife. Just ask me. I never cheated on her. Before I met her I was a stray dog. This very intimate marriage was utterly destroyed by my mother in law. Mothers-in Law are the 2nd cause of divorces in the Netherlands.
14 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
Great gallery !!!
Do you have more pics of her? Or other pics of female VET's or vet students?
10 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
If you rightclick the picture and save the PICTURE then the JPG-comments are lost. You have to DOWNLOAD THE FILE to be able to access the JPG-comment.
ou must be a Motherless premium member to download a file.
09 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Eerect You can find a lot about women/girls who would like to castrate a guy. Of course, these are mere fantasies. It also depends on their nationality. You can find much more about castration fantasies in German sources than in American sourses. So, it's very cultural dependent. I'm Dutch and Dutch women and girls are not into castration for fun but there are some who would like to castrate a guy after cheating. That's my experience.
09 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
Penectomy requires a lot of experience and equipment. Castratrices who claim that they also perform penectomies (f.i. on FetLife). Believe me, these castratrices are FAKE. However, removing balls is not a big deal and can be done safely and in a private environment (i.e. at home). So, penectomy is just a fantasy and not very realistic. Simply removing balls, on the contrary, is realistic and it actually happens all the time.
09 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
I don't know her but I do know that she is not some feminist manhater but she is simply hooked to the power-rush whille cutting. She is not certified because it's forbidden in the states, however, she will cut you with great skill.
07 Jul 2023 Attis4496 commented
This pic is a remake of an older version. It's now perfect, technically speaking. The old picture has been removed.
18 Jun 2023 Attis4496 commented
That's no problem at all. Contact her! Her email is given in the picture.
15 Jun 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Chaub Yes, she just teases but don't mess with her otherwise she will use her fancy scalpel for she is certified to cut.
02 Jun 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Eerect I understood that you've already been fixed.
02 Jun 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Eerect I'm flabbergasted! I happen to know that consensual castration is allowed in Russia. It's not even a subculture overthere. However, even consensual castration is punishable by law in the US. Couples have to go to Mexico or Thailand. In Mexico the Ladies are allowed to snip the cords and in case of adultery, the case is filed as for psychiatric/therapeutic reasons (for the Lady). Data show (both in Russia and the US) that the couples reconcile and donot divorce and both were hap
31 May 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Eerect Is this a fantasy or a reality? And why you were castrated? Did you want it yourself or did she demand your castration? Just curious.
29 May 2023 Attis4496 commented
If you have questions on this theme, don't hesitate to ask me. I did a lot of research on this matter.
17 May 2023 Attis4496 commented
Yep. this is a perfect fake. You can even see a part of the knive between her fingers, The choice of the knife was optimal and I did a lot of work in optimizing the color balances, including the border.
07 May 2023 Attis4496 commented
@Chaub Yeah, and I did'nt even fake this picture myself like the others.
01 May 2023 Attis4496 commented
As I already said, she is a vet student with a sidejob to make some extra money. Wives hire her to get rid of the cheating balls of their husbands because castration of cheating husbands is forbidden in the US. What a shame! She lures those guys into her van, drugs them and then castrates them. When those cheaters come to their senses, she's already gone. So are their testicles. However, she'll fix you for free. You can tell from her eyes that she's hooked to the power-rush
19 Apr 2023 Attis4496 commented
Great !
16 Apr 2023 Attis4496 commented
@hailsatan999 Of course, castration isn't for you. Its meant for christians who want to go to heaven or want to become a saint. That's the theme of my pics.
16 Apr 2023 Attis4496 commented
@hailsatan999 If you like these pics, I'll post more !