16 Dec 2019 DeadyKay commented
@ThickBastard LOL. I intend to. :)
11 Dec 2019 DeadyKay commented
damn, would love to really bust both of them open. They're primed for it.
10 Dec 2019 DeadyKay commented
@Odeck Amen. These are the types of scenes your average misogynist can relate to as opposed to those "dungeon torture" scenes. I don't have a custom-made sex dungeon and I likely never will. But i do have two fists.
09 Dec 2019 DeadyKay commented
So pretty. Would look even prettier if he applied some "Irish eye makeup" to the flesh condom.
10 Nov 2019 DeadyKay commented
2-1 Notice how 2, knowing she's not as hot (coming or going) as her friend, gives that little extra of a cock-teasing kiss, to up her appeal. Bitches crack me up.
15 Jul 2018 DeadyKay commented