19 Mar 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
Hey love the video. Got any tips for a newcomer into maggots. I love how they pack into my foreskin and around the head but so far I’ve avoided letting them go into the entrance of my urethra. I’ve had a few try to go in but I just poke em and they leave it. Would like some advice on how it feels when they dig in there and how far they go in. I’m scared of them going to far in
24 Feb 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
I didn't know there was red maggots? BTW I'm basically a newcomer to playing with maggots. I haven't let them in the slit/urethra but I want to I'm just nervous about it. Any tips or even how it feels when they get in there. Tnx in advance
11 Feb 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
Hey man I love your videos and can I say that the sessions look intense af. Got any tips for a noob like me. I've had a few sessions but they only pack around my foreskin, I'm scared let them go into the urethra slit but seeing your videos makes me want to try and get them explore. Any tips you have are appreciated Tnx
24 Jan 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
@Udder1y yes I grew them on leftovers from a rotisserie chicken lol I also threw in some ham slices and with in 3 days I had some nice maggots
24 Jan 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
Hey looks like a fun session. Can I ask what your set up is,like what's the tube you're using
01 Jan 2024 GabrielS1337 commented
What's it like when they go in and dig in there ?
25 Dec 2023 GabrielS1337 commented
Hey kinda new to maggot play and I've had them pack my foreskin but I'm scared if letting them enter my urethra. Should I be scared/worried to let them enter,because I haven't let any go in. And how does it feel when they're in the urethra.
23 Jul 2023 GabrielS1337 commented
What happens when they go in the urethra , do they hurt ? I've done a bit of maggot play but I don't let them burrow in,should I let them?