2 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
Her owner found out about her little photo shoots getting done without permission so he staged a little photoshoot of his own of her being electrically corrected.
7 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
I'm a dude being fucked by a dude that's fucked by another dude.
7 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
I've woken up like this before and been told later that Master took pics of my tits and sent them to some friends of his.
7 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
I imagine this would be a very effecitve interrogation and torture method if the captors took the time to set it up properly. You could keep someone in a device like this for a very long time and vary all the sensations enough so they'd never get acustomed to it. You could end up actually mentally destroying someone with it.
7 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
Back before she was known as Cowgirl from Wired Pussy
7 Days Ago Janagirl692002 commented
It's a beaded urethral sound. Some are vibrating and some are hollow so they can stay in during urination or ejaculation (if it's inside a penis). They do come in multiple sizes like normal medical sounds.
24 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
This is why the condemned electro victim needs to be properly restrained so they can't do exactly this and interfere with their discipline.
24 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
@User121202 There's only so many muscles in the chest to move. Whether it's pads on top or attached to nipples, they're either going through between sides or up/down on the same breasts. I don't know you'd see more muscle movement. She would experience more sensations though, with pain at the nipples plus where other electrodes/pads are.
23 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Cattle Prod. Not a Taser.
23 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Violet Wands can go from feeling like a static shock to almost like being on fire. It just depends on how much they're turned up and more importantly, the attachment. Glass will spread the shock out most of the time and be less instense unless it's got a tungsten coil inside. Metal will concentrate and make it feel more sharp. However, for either, if you bring it down to a point, like this, it's going to fucking hurt, hard and can leave UV burn marks.
23 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
I would love to know who thought putting tens pads on the chair itself would serve any purpose or in any way look realistic.
23 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
@User121202 your muscles will only move so far by physical limits.. so after a certain point, additional electricity isn't going to make them twerk up higher, you'll just start to induce damage and skin burning. For back/forth twerking, that's a pulse wave of on/off to make the muscles tense and relax. You would just vary the wave length, duration, instensity to have them tense/relaxe more/less and faster/slower. But, again, after a point, they don't move any faster or farther.
22 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Ok, I've seen some weird shit before.. But, seeing a woman's cervix poking out of the body like it's a tentacle, sucking on sperm.... that's definitely a new one.
22 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Nice nipple stretching... love the weight hanging off her clitty hood.
21 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
@DrJoules That's the wrong Caged Fury. This is the 1983 one and the actresses's name is Bernadette Williams. There's another shock scene as well with Linda, (actually the first use of the machine) where she not only has the pads on her tits, but there's a little probe they put "down below". Presumably in her vagina, but I suppose it could be a clit clip as well.
21 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
I think she's actually having her nipples used as a single real electrical channel. You can see a couple times they jump and contract and stay constracted.. The taser is probably just being manually pulled at the same time as you can see in a couple jolts her tits react before the taser sounds..
21 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Nipples like that really need rings through them
21 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
My back hurts all of a sudden.
21 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
@klune I'm pretty sure it is as well. If you pause right about 12s on the video, just before her tits drop, you can see three freckles of increasing size in a backwards L going up her abs to her left underboob. On Reddit, there's a couple pics of her that show the same pattern, size and location of freckles.
19 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Guess that's one way to make "fried rice"
19 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Should be required for all women's resumes.
17 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
It would be a good public punishment to have them fitted to the pole behind a screen, but them displayed publicly like this. She and everyone seeing her knows that pole disappearing under the skirt is deeply invading her vagina, but she's not in violation of any public nudity laws.
17 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
What she needs is some weight on her shoulders from a veritcal press and a slightly larger dildo.. That way it's a back/forth between being stretched too much in her cunt and not having the strength to hold up the weight too long.
17 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Good position for a slave.. It can be raped/sodomized with ease, still fullly on display and can't close up. You've got access to hook up electric probes/clamps and you can whip/lash/paddle/belt/spank the breasts/chest, butt, pussy/cock/balls, etc.
15 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
You should get a hollow conductive one, that way it can be inserted inside your cage so you don't have the option of removing it.. You can still pee and allow cum out, but you don't get to remove... that lets you get shocked whenver and however by whomever is controlling the power box.
14 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
The little ginger puss is Nicole from back in the early 2000s.
14 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
She needs to have electric clamps attached to each nipple, then an electric clamp to her clitors with the other side in her vagina with a thicker probe and should be held in place in the seat of the chair with a bi-polar electrode. Kay Milton style chair. See how long it takes for her to talk when she's being turned into a light bulb in all her sensitive spots.
13 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
@ElectrikBoy Yes you do. One that encases your cock with electrodes on each side of your head to allow that to be a circut, then a hollow conductice rod inside so zap you interally and also let your cum out with the other side attached to the base of your shaft. Both testicles wired with each serving as one side of a channel. Then we can't forget the anal electrode to stimulate your prostate. The penis cage also only lets you get a little hard, for added punishment. while be lit up
12 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
This is a good public punishment setup. She's blindfolded so she can't see who is in front of her, but her mouth can be used for oral and her tits are freely on display for use.
12 May 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
If it were a proper chair, you'd be naked by requirement for the obersevers and the electrode placement on your nipples, clitoris, labia, inside the anus and vagina. Full pubic hair required too so the sparks from the clit electrode have a chance of catching it on fire and removing it for you.
30 Apr 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
I know I'm late to the party, but it is indeed Lisa Kinkaid and that's from Whiplash 4 https://www.zfx-shockwavevideo.com/ZFX-Bondage/ZFX-Bondage-Movies/Whiplash-04/zfx-whiplash-4-bondage-movie.html
30 Apr 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Lisa Kinkaid from Ballista 2: Ballista vs. the Evil Dr. Menace
07 Apr 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
For optimal training and correction, that should be worn like a thong so the electric shocks jolt the clit and pussy.
05 Apr 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
It would be nice if they were using actual estim on the models... The cue light gives it away every time that it's fake. Compared to WiredPussy/Insex and things of the like, you know when she's faking being e-tortured. Though, at least they didn't add in all the fake electrical arcing sounds that don't really happen when you're being zapped for real.
03 Apr 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
There should be electrode pads on each testicle for a circuit, then a monopole sound in the urethrea with the other side on a butt plug.
25 Mar 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
She definitely should be walking around braless with tight shirts just to see how many she can catch looking at those perky cones.
23 Mar 2024 Janagirl692002 commented
Lina Romay from Women Behind Bars