07 Mar 2018 JenT commented
@Pakiprincess Me too! Jen
19 Feb 2018 JenT commented
@forgotusername23 Thank you FGUN23! Jen xxx
18 Feb 2018 JenT commented
I really like this girl :) Ive tried searching for Czech Streets 21 and for Marketa (and Marketta) but havent found anything. Anyone know where I can find her? I think I could enjoy myself :) Jen
04 Feb 2018 JenT commented
@pisserman :):):) Its really hot isnt it?!
04 Feb 2018 JenT commented
Oh......... Jen
02 Feb 2018 JenT commented
@pisserman Bloody hell. Here's another one where all my posts have been deleted. Have you ever heard of this happening before? Jen
30 Jan 2018 JenT commented
@bigdaddyjohn @pisserman Hi guys. do either of you happen to know why my posts on this thread have disappeared? I found another thread yesterday where all my posts, and there were several, have gone. I thought if you got into trouble with the mods theyd just ban you? Ive had no msgs saying Im in trouble an I cant think of anything Ive said thatd get me in trouble either. Jen
15 Jan 2018 JenT commented
@MaggieR I dunno about you Maggie but my jaw an mouth would be so sore I woudn't be able to eat for a week if I sucked all them! Jen
03 Jan 2018 JenT commented
@Pisserman The other guy silly :) Jen
01 Jan 2018 JenT commented
@thkdikbiker @pisserman Yes. Thats my ass an my pussy. It was about 3 years back an it was 2 guys who picked me up one nite when I was drunk. They was pretty nice guys so although they took me back an I woke up next morning naked in a strange bed with 2 strange guys next to me I ended up fucking them for a wile. They was good fun. Jen