13 May 2024 JennyPDDD commented
@Arclightswe2 lol nope no brothers.. They're definitely fun to tease with.. i've learned the power of huge boobs quite recently lol.. usually just tried to minimize em and cover them up most of my life.. ignorant or blissfully unaware I guess
13 Apr 2024 JennyPDDD commented
@HChook76 ty so much!! You have no idea how much I appreciate it 🥰!! I'll have to add some more of my pix and maybe some more "special" pix and maybe vids.. if anyone is even interested lol..
13 Apr 2024 JennyPDDD commented
@dylantrooper ty very much for the compliments.. that makes me feel less self conscious!! I have a lot more to share if you are interested.. and maybe a little more "special" 😜 ill be putting up a private gallery for any one who cares to see that is..