18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@jimbo98632 thank you that is very sweet of you to say.
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@BigNaturalLover Yes we did and thank you very much for the conversation.
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@BigNaturalLover actually you squeeze their finger tips. Capillary refill time tells you how many STD's they have : p
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@yawannadoit2 I have done 4 in one night. It took about 3 hours though. One of the guys took forever.
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@lupus_sum Damn I should have thought of that
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@swashbuckla1986 It's fun to make videos but nothing beats the thrill of people watching them and enjoying them.
18 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@swashbuckla1986 Thank you
17 Feb 2016 NMWildGirl commented
@BigNaturalLover well morality police. Perhaps you should not watch these things. You really need to chill out. First of all don't call me crazy, you have no clue who I am or what I am like. This is a porn site dedicated to fantasy and social deviations. Perhaps you should stick to Pornhub. This community is very clearly not for you. If you take offense to peoples lifestyle choices or the fantasy they are presenting then you should close the tab and move on.