3 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Optional666 each to their own. you gonna play with their feet
3 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Optional666 what would you do after hanging them
4 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Moylaga_1203 anything else youll do to her
4 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Kirby_2099 a slow spit roasting then
4 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Kirby_2099 a slow spit roasting then
5 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 same as her head
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 who wouldnt
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 perfect for a guillotine as well
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 exactly
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you leave her jewellery on her arms
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 use a razor blade so its takes longer
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 then make her mother hold her severed head as she eats her daughters breast
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 hed probably cover her severed head in cum as well
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 the look of horror as her daughters head comes off
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 fill her full of fentanyl so she stays alive for longer
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 what about her arms
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 I think her legs would be perfect after being bbqed
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 legs, then her arms and head
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 why not make the mother cut her head off before eating her heart
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 bet mum would scream but dad would be happy
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you serve them to her parents
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 then cut her down and strip her before roasting her over an open fire
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 have a bbq with the hacked up bits of her body
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@dieonmycock I reckon theyd use the other ones as well
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@dieonmycock sounds like a good idea. would you behead her afterwards
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@dieonmycock would you spitroast her afterwards
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@dieonmycock what would you do with them
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@dieonmycock what will you do with her body after shes left hanging and dripping with your cum
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 this one would get hacked apart with a machete
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you force her mother to eat her heart
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you bring her parents in to look at it
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Snufffan how would you take her head off
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 how you gonna cook them
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 why not leave her on the end of a noose for a little while for fun
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@Snufffan how you beheading her
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would she be a spit roasting potential or not
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 what about her breasts
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you put her picture above her severed head
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 would you keep her breasts fpr later
6 Days Ago Noodles754 commented
@archie147 what would you do with her friend after glasses has been beheaded and dismembered