08 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hungryformore One can't help but stand back occasionally and admire the effort some wonderful ladies go to take part in their pre-cooking process sometimes, can one? Nice one.
08 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
08 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
08 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
Yes indeed, my friend, that fabulous pussy fillet is very expensive indeed just on it's own even without surveying the rest of her.
08 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 Now that is a very lovely view indeed.
07 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@SilkKnot A very nice larder indeed, I must admit.
07 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
What a beautiful view, and the city panorama is not bad either. He.he.
06 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@emmaBB10 You would very welcome of course, although some parts of first prep is not for the faint of heart of course. :)
06 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
With that lovely face and figure, she would make a fabulous centrepiece I think, and would be a delight to work on I'm quite sure. :)
06 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
Very gorgeous indeed!
05 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@SilkKnot Very nice work as always Silk, your clearly a very busy man indeed with no time to strip the bodies my friend. So that's two bar staff, and one maid I'm down so far then already sir.
03 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
Well, my restaurants are still closed of course, but we are still isolated and clean on the island resort, so with checks and a huge bill with private jet flights and cargo we are still vaguely open i'm happy to say on a very select invite basis only of course.
03 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 A quick wash with the spray gun, then unsurprisingly I normally have quite a long waiting list for this job assignment of course from my staff, Good to hear from you my old friend, Cheers
03 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@CSR1988310 Hi my friend, sadly not unfortunately sir. I actually though this movie was a one off with this lovely lady until I saw your favourites? So there you go, old Picard si still learning. Cheers
01 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hungryformore Yes indeed my friend, a very lovely vista indeedy quite lovely.
01 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@SilkKnot Many thanks silk, just one of our free range does spotted on the park and requested on menu that evening sir.
01 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hungryformore Hmmm... rump steaks tonight me thinks....
01 May 2020 Picard1701 commented
@fu20n Too true sir, and cheers for looking in.
22 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@SilkKnot Always learning, Cheers for the tip Silk.
22 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hulk_1982 Your wish is my command sir. He,he. Cheers Hulk.
21 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 No worries at all sir, as it's quite an enjoyable job any way of course so no bother at all for me. Although very good lady's look alike does look quite splendid hanging with her fellow meat in the stock room I must admit. He,he.
21 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 I spent quite while checking them for you. He he. And pleased to confirm it's not your good lady sir. Just don't let Silk know her address and she should be fine my friend.
20 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 Well as I mentioned before I did wonder where a lot of my lovely staff where going and ending up a few years ago now. Ha,ha, And guess who?
20 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 Certainty not my friend, as this is just a quick update and advert for our cleaning services,although now you say that, I will go a check our goods inwards area for you? He,he
20 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@SilkKnot I will have to check my records of course, as I thought that was just our cleaning service after your last short stay with us of course my old friend?
20 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
19 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
I admit no responsibility for the dreadful spelling at all my friend. He, he
19 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hungryformore Nice one hungry,and not too bad at all I always thought. Cheers,
19 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hungryformore 911's Clondike, a great little short actually with a lovely lady and will be here very soon as well, when I remember where it is. He,he. cheers.
18 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 He,he. I may have taken the Governments advice a little too literally on this occasion I must admit, but at least they are all staying home.
18 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 Thanks my friend, although the crowd numbers do depend on how wonderful the offering is on that particular ritual and day of course. Cheers and thanks for dropping by and looking in.
17 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
Nice one sir, you got the title wrong and clearly did not read the end credits either my friend?
17 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
What a fabulous view indeed. Cheers
14 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
Many thanks indeed, ah, a classic Paul Nacshy then and must have quite late on for him in 1977. in that case . Cheers for the link.
14 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
Very good indeed although being brief. Do you have, or know the movie title my friend? Cheers.
12 Apr 2020 Picard1701 commented
Very sexy indeed , lovely girl. Nice one sir. Cheers.
27 Mar 2020 Picard1701 commented
Certainty Grade A sir, carefully wrapped, handled and delivered to stock room 001, and your account will be credited on her on her delivery in goods inwards with us of course.
27 Mar 2020 Picard1701 commented
Whether your a voyeur or a shy client, our cleaning services can cater for all your local disposal needs of course plus of course, we pay you for the collection on prime and grade A meat. So no worries there at all sir.
27 Mar 2020 Picard1701 commented

She looks like prime grade A, I'm guessing but to dump her there fully clothed is completely unacceptable in my humble opinion, oh deary me.
27 Mar 2020 Picard1701 commented
@hermit12 Not at all sir, our cleaning service team will just take her down to our stock room for you. He,he.