1 Day Ago PraetoriusHeel commented
Hoping this one isn't taken down. I think it's a fantastic story and would love to open it up for a whole extended plot arc, mostly around the ways Boss Chris D finds to exploit, blackmail and train his new defiant boy toy. Taboo sex and workplace sexual slavery being carried over to the next generation. It is quite true in this instance that the sins of the fathers are visited upon their sons, no matter how cute, curly haired, and strong willed they turn out to be. ;-)
2 Days Ago PraetoriusHeel commented
Just too cute to let live, or at least too cute to leave alone.
2 Days Ago PraetoriusHeel commented
Might be from the original Dead Guys movie.
23 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
An offering to Arduenna, perhaps? Formidable!
09 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such delectable boys. Thank you for your art and your courage in sharing it with us.
07 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Cruising (1980) First murder shown.
07 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
My Man Mickey...a truly delicious fetish piece if taken without background music or that horrendous overdubbing. Love how sexy those two unconscious boys look. Would love to stage something like this sometime.
07 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
The light smile of a lad dreaming of a future he will never get to see.
Poor simple, sweet freshman Colin!
Thou are so loved,
That one will shortly send thy soul to heaven,
If heaven will take the present at his hands.
07 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such sweet slumber. Too much for a creepy night stalker to pass up without at least a closer look, and maybe a feel or two. They say this particular dorm is home to some phantom that visits college freshmen on their first weekend as students. They also say that the phantom won't ever harm such cute innocents, unless they are foolish enough to wake up during the visit (or reveal to the shy apparition that they have done so). Dead twinks tell no tales, they say.
07 May 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
It's also likely that whomever was responsible for shutting down the amateur sleuths' annoying interference might want to keep two rather attractive trophies on hand, to be displayed at the next regional meeting of Fiendish Villains Always Win...who knows what humiliations and strange scientific experiments are in store for the adorable brother cadavers.
26 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such a lovely couple too. Full of passion and focused completely on each other. Once again oblivious as to who else might have been watching, or even inside their very house. A shame that the beefy older stud wasn't any kind of defense for his devoted boy...we live in such tragic times but a loyal boy has a right to expect that his hot daddy can keep some of the boogeymen at bay, instead of crumpling like a cheap suit. Such a tragedy indeed!
10 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such a delicious smooth body all laid out for easy access. Kudos for the colorful gear as well.
09 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
2) Being the apple of her wicked father's eye, she gets to spare her blond captive and administer some much needed after care. Which then leads to this amazingly twisted scene of Starrett stripped to a waistwrap and manacled to an examination table, where he's given a mind controlling drug concocted right before his eyes in a fever dream of mad science and hedge wizardry. This scene is arguably the best moment in a messy, incoherent movie, and it blew up my brain the first time I saw it.
09 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
So if anyone's wondering, this is a gif from a fragment of a scene from The Mask of Fu Manchu, starring Boris Karloff as the evil Chinese (yeah it was 1932, go figure) crimelord and here he has blond hero and future movie Western star Charles Starrett exactly where he wants him...this was after an extended scene of CS getting stripped and whipped and gloated over by future Thin Man actress Myrna Loy (playing Fu's twisted daughter...remember it's 1932?)
09 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Beautiful doomed Colin. Thank you.
09 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Oblivion is the only just desert for such a cute unfortunate...it makes the pain stop and the shame and humiliation that comes from being so vulnerable and easy to take out in the first place...and the worse knowledge that some evil psycho posed him like this, and left him to be found. Poor Johnny :P
09 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
This is what good roleplaying is all about. Thank you, Johnny and Colin for such a tasty erotic drama. And I can only speak for myself but I see nothing wrong with Colin's "equipment" being too substantial to tuck away. It's an added morsel of reality, and also could be useful in other contexts...putting progressively smaller briefs or g-strings on such a manly package...let that be a lesson to any clueless prettyboy that lets a silly emotion like guilt ruin a good side bit going on...:P
06 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Thank you for the add, handsome lad. Your eyes are truly amazing, and the rest of you ain't too shabby either! :P
04 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
I hope you and twink Colin have learned to stop pretending to be the Hardy Boys because it seems to me that your antagonists are upping the stakes. You'll both end up on a milk carton one day, mark my words...:P

Beautiful work. It's like you saw into the twisted corridors of my mind and plucked this image out from there. Thank you, boys!
04 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
By far one of my favorite scenarios is the clothed man using and exploiting an exposed and compromised or vulnerable naked stud.
04 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Amazingly strong and beautiful, yet unable to escape his doom. What a rough beast it must have been to subdue such a specimen? What unsavory things occurred after this hunk was finished off?
04 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such a sexy but dumb hunk thinking his naked antics go unnoticed. There is always someone watching, and few naked hunks caught midstroke have what it takes to escape the doom that comes for them.
02 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Tender moments, indeed. So cute in fact, that some creep would watch and want you to kiss each other in front of him. Demand it, even.
02 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Rusty Stevens being Manhandled by Aryx Quinn. I think it may be from Can-Am. They produced a lot of erotic wrestling with KOs (staged but looking great) over the last few decades. Rusty and Aryx work for other companies, too and Rusty almost always gets undone at the end of the day. Beautiful scene.
02 Apr 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such a lovely young man, you could make a beautiful Promethean too, on the slab in the lab jolted with electricity until you come back to us, temporarily of course.
30 Mar 2024 PraetoriusHeel commented
Such an incredible performance, doomed boy. And in the end, an almost heroic effort but alas, giving naked fools false reassurance is part of the homicidal villain basic training manual. And you offered yourself so resolutely too? Hopefully you'll learn your lesson the next play through, foolish boy. Thank you for the effort of course. You are truly a gifted ragdoll.