8 Hours Ago Salalana commented
This proud soldier will be kept will be kept like a dirty mutt on enemy territory, dehumanizing her as much as possible. Have her become a mockery of her motherland, all russians inside the base routinely come to piss on her to remind her of her pathetic existence.
11 Hours Ago Salalana commented
@Britishguy87 she is a hot slut, albeit dumb to the point that its almost respectable. Perfect cunt to beat to death
3 Days Ago Salalana commented
@abusefan old man will do some rough docking on that defeated ass. That's one place where her muscles actually do something
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
@fillerup69 after a good hour of being ass raped up snout smashed against the tiled floor. Invade her holy sanctuary with a toilet brush and hear her whimpers from her hymen being torn apart in such a disgustin way and lastly piss all over her lost innocence. Wouldnt take long before the broken shell becomes nothing more than a cock hungry dog. god's lost sheep nothing more than a cocksleeve
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
@fillerup69 Let's see how she shows up at the gym in a wheelchair and with one single arm
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
@fillerup69 don't worry she is a tough girl and has her lord and saviour watching over her... he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, would he?
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
@fillerup69 looks like the cleaning personnel already picked up the trash! The male gym rats get to do a little cardio before the trash gets sorted out and she ends up in the trash can dedicated for organic waste.
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
@fillerup69 she can get a makeover free of charge. black eyes are a certainty, might change her facial structure a bit with that treatment. Use nose hooks to give her a snout. Maybe I will pull some hair out or take a nipple as a souvenir. This piggy is a fanatically devout christian, I wonder how much we have to abuse and humiliate her before her god decides to save her.
5 Days Ago Salalana commented
it would be very sad if she accidentaly ran into the traffic and got run over right after being pissed on. like a pathetic trash
05 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@depravedjamesie I can see the appeal in that! A spacious basement , 3 dogs and her (lower than dog), with the slight modification being her achilles tendons are cut so that she wont try playing at being a human being. Serve them dog food in 4 bowls 2 times a day and observe how every animal adapts.
05 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@DominantAngel acting like this, she will get much more than she bargained for!
05 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@DominantAngel she might not even be that fragile but she is such a cute dolly I would start abusing her unconsciously just to see her tear up! Will you come up with a suitable "present" for her?
04 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
Its not easy to describe what would happen to this cos slut, but I wouldn't want to be the one cleaning the mess that will be left of her!
03 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@BeatHer2003 right there in the grass like an animal with all the violence and lust you can muster, although who knows how much can the fragile thing endure
03 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@Snufffan @BeatHer2003 I think the birthday girl deserves a present for her big day. Not guaranteed that she will like it, but gesture counts, right?
03 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
Are those instructions on her head? Oh well, I guess she IS asking for it.
02 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@DeepThot lovely to use that throat to its full potential while playing with her long beatiful hair. And the best thing is limiting her oxygen to the point that she might die from a heart attack on red day, a day for a heart heatlh awareness. What an unlucky, gorgeous cunt.
01 Jun 2024 Salalana commented
@Darkduke88 @TheRATEist seeing the change in facial expressions and hearing its pathetic whimpers is the best appetizer. her reduced to that state instantly motivates you to drill her anus more diligently! wondering how loud she gets before she loses her voice
31 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TheRATEist it has something to it. just ripping her hair out, trampling on her looks while she cries and whimpers. From a happy face, luscious hair to crumpled face, eyes full of tears and where used to be a head full of hair, now there are bunch of bald spots and most of her hair is lying on the floor. Only thing that didnt change are her teeth
31 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TheRATEist few days locked up in a room doing all kinds of things that come to mind. no second thoughts just doing whatever. The harder part would be returning her to the ones you borrowed her from.
31 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TheRATEist she has this clean, well kept look which makes for a wonderful before/after when she is crying in fear, face covered with bruises, rundown makeup and dirt, with some of her lovely, long straight hair that was meticuosly maintained pulled out just for fun.
31 May 2024 Salalana commented
@Snufffan Sounds like fun times, you will even have a pristine necklace to remember by. What kind of a meal do you think she fits the most? after she is eaten you can play fetch with doggies by throwing them her bones and as a reward they get spare flesh bits. and like this every part of her gets used!
29 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TheRATEist an audition would be a great way to kill time. let them do some humiliating perfomances and subsequently rate it with the other girls. The losers get broken and the winner gets broken... but later. Hopefully the ladies enjoy theatrics
29 May 2024 Salalana commented
@wooster6 atleast her friends will know that she was at a home where she had her role and was wanted (as a rapetoy and a punching bag). The limping fleshlight would have a hard time introducing herself with the way her face was redesigned and when she doesn't even have enought teeth to properly talk with them and has only 3 non-broken fingers for sign language.
29 May 2024 Salalana commented
@wooster6 3 is indeed a sheltered princess whose brain would shut down the moment her shell gets penetrated in the form of numerous assrapings.4 is short and flexible , so you can fold her like a pretzel and go to town. And ironically, 2 is the biggest softie of them, so after witnessing the destruction of her treasured friends, her entire mind would be on the verge of dying or the good girl would try to beg for her friends safety. Which would really only let you break her even more.
28 May 2024 Salalana commented
@DeepThot make them retake this wholesome photo butt naked and everytime one of them doesn't smile they all get a little beatdown till the picture is perfect. As for the nerd cunt, fill her up like a cumsock from both sides and after she is bulging like a balloon, stomp on her belly and watch her jizzplosion as she falls unconsious. Afterwards, roll her to her naked kneeling friends and force them to piss on their unconsious friend.
28 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TheRATEist maybe they would be able to "entertain" for a full week in total. which would be a pretty good score with the way you treat your toys.
25 May 2024 Salalana commented
Haven't realized how subhuman this slut looks in this video. Kinda hurts to watch but it would have been all worth it if she got run over by a car at the end. sadly, we dont live in an ideal world.
25 May 2024 Salalana commented
@BeatHer2003 that by itself is a good enough reason for abuse
25 May 2024 Salalana commented
@BobWins7 she is gonna get her facial structure radically changed and I doubt that is the only bodily change she will experience from the fun times there are ahead. Have her counting the fists
24 May 2024 Salalana commented
@Mil_Spec982 Definitely ton of fun waiting in this room. No disturbance, just you and two fucktoys, only thing limiting you being creativity. Having two supple bodies at your disposal makes for a relaxing evening, one can be a pillow and other a cock warmer. No doubt there will be art made in that room that day.
24 May 2024 Salalana commented
would love to expose 1:04's brain to see if there really is something and then rearrange it with my cock. She might come out smarter than before.
24 May 2024 Salalana commented
@TooSpookyForMee a crowd of crazed nerds, not able to distinguish between fiction or reality, just tearing her apart. And don't get me started when one freak brought a saw so he could inspect her leg without annoyance. Cunt probably didn't expect this situation when she decided to play dress up. wonder how they will salvage the situation?
21 May 2024 Salalana commented
a beautiful opportunity to throw a sucker punch right on her nose and then hear her squeal on the ground like a swine
20 May 2024 Salalana commented
@depravedjamesie she would definitely be at a place much more befitting her , although i doubt that the dogs would see her as a an "equal"
20 May 2024 Salalana commented
Oh my, this lovely photo has resurfaced yet again She is a textbook example of "cuter they are , rougher the treatment". one full day shut inside a room with her and if something cracks only speed up. If by the end a bone is crushed i will just amputate the limb. I am dead set on taking her home anyway
20 May 2024 Salalana commented
@Britishguy87 An orc chieftain would flip kingdoms upside down just for an elven cunt to own and cry whenever he wishes
17 May 2024 Salalana commented
@Arnostrokes a skank like this walking in the streets at night should be happy for only getting strangled by her own cheap clothes. Would be lovely seeing the struggle in her vapid face
09 May 2024 Salalana commented
@exxodduss @cuntripper46 would love to see how photoshoot ready she looks picking her teeth from the floor. She already has the intelligence level of a swine so there is no need to pretend she is human or at the same level. Its sole purpose is to get abused and degraded till we decide it gets to die. which will take some time
04 May 2024 Salalana commented
@DeepThot would love to see the cutie try to smile with her silly face scraped off somewhere along the road. She should also feel complimented that the gym owner has been driven to such an action by the body she spent years building. May she rest in pieces :--)