16 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@DepravityG After few bubbly moans, she realises there is no more air to release, her crotch still warm, her eyes dart towards the surface. She desperately tries to kick with her legs but they do not move, do not obey. One hand still on her crotch, other hand covering her trembling lips...
16 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
"Just ten more photos, sweetheart. Hold on a little longer. And dont forget to smile..."
16 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@DepravityG Hmmm, which to choose? Drowning in pleasure, with lungs full of water, or rushing to the surface so far above? Decisions, decisions...
14 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
"Fuck, my air! I overdid it!"
10 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur I catch the drifting air bottle, holding it inches from her trembling lips as I play with her breasts, slowly carresing them. her stomach starting to heave in the tight wetsuit, beautifully enhancing the view. I sheepishly release a few bubbles from the bottle, they tickle her face as they rise to the surface far above, watching her reaction
09 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
"One more minute?! But you said that a minute ago!"
06 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
Looks to me like she has plenty of air left yet. I wonder how much time would it give me to have some fun, before her beautiful belly starts to heave...
06 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur Shock washes over her with the suddent thrust, her eyes bolt to the surface, then to me. I smile, enjoying the warmth inside her. I slowly start to go back and forth, her breasts heaving into the rhytm, clouds of stale air bursting from her open mouth. Since her hands are bound tightly behind her, she can not even cover her lips, thus letting all the stolen air out. Once her lungs are completely empty, she shudders, freezes and tries with all her remaining power not to inha
06 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur I watch as the bubbles pop the surface, her pained face watching them as they disappear. But there is also something else mixed in the pain and fear. A hint of pleassure washing over her as I speed up my hand, watching as her body archs, bursts of air erupting through her mouth, which she fails to keep shut. Her lungs heave with every eruption, my hand on her chest feeling every muscle in her body tense.
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur I slowly run my warm tongue around her nipples, watching with my side eye her fear and a hint of pleassure on her panicked face, hungrily looking at the surface She thrashes like a helpless puppy, unable to break free from the grasp, wasting her precious air. I slowly turn her head towards mine, still keeping it submerged. She looks at me with her large, panicked eyes, her belly twitching up and down. "What shall I do with you, babe?" I whisper, just inches from the surfac
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur I enjoy every second of her hungry kiss of life, color slowly returning to her pale cheeks. I almost feel a sight of releive as her lungs slowly fill with warm air, feeling it rising up with my hand. Then, I grin mischievously in the kiss and break it suddenly with a displeased look on my face. "Stealing, are we, cutie? Every thief deserves a punishment." She blinks, not understanding the sudden disruption, a small shiver of fear running down her body.
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur Her agony suddenly becomes bliss as her whole body trembles with pleassure. As her thoughs darken, her only regret is not enjoying it truly, before her strenght left her body...
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur Why not enjoy it a bit longer? I would wait for her lungs to be completely empty, and just a moment before she gives up, I would lift her head above the surface for one single frantic breath before submerging her again
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
I love the moment she realised her air is out and that was her last breath. How her chest started to heave, screaming at her to take a breath, even though there was water all around. How she desparately looked at the shimmering surface, knowing she will never taste the salty breeze ever again...
05 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
@AquaVoyeur My hand feeling every tremble, every desperate heave of her beautiful body. I gently caress her puffed up cheek with my other hand, look her deep into her panicked eyes and point to my lips, realising a few tiny bubbles, smiling devilishly. "Would you like some air, sweetheart?"
02 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
Oh, poor Blondie, helplessly bound, she cant even cover her mouth to keep the bubbles inside. I would slowly caress her body, watching as she cant resist the urge to laugh. Watching her belly caving in, sreaming at her to exhale the remaining air in her already almost empty lungs
02 Feb 2024 TheGoldenKnight commented
Oh, what I would give to hold the red bikini girl down. I would cover her mouth with my hand, feeling her frantic attempts to breath, bubbles slipping fast my fingers. I would slowly slide my other hand on her heaving belly, feeling every ripple, every contraction of her emptying lungs. I would turn her face towards mine, looking into her panicked eyes, as the last tiny bubbles leave her empty lungs, begging me to let her reach the life saving surface...