09 Aug 2014 motherlesssub commented
That is about the least sexy thing she could do to herself.
24 May 2014 motherlesssub commented
What a complete tool. This guy reads like a terrible movie villain. You don't hook up with anyone when you're a self proclaimed gentleman and god. Guess what. Even if you are nice to people shit like that still gets picked up by others. Being a twat isn't some subtle thing you can just hide. I'm glad this guy is gone. Just too bad he had to take others with him.
08 Oct 2013 motherlesssub commented
Please tell me there's a video to this.
19 Feb 2012 motherlesssub commented
There's someone in the truck behind her.
19 Jan 2012 motherlesssub commented
I'm wondering the same. Is there a copy with proper sound out there?