6 Days Ago snippedsniper commented
@fargo770 I know right?? Looks like they cut his sack open and popped them out halfway!
15 May 2024 snippedsniper commented
Those balls are gorgeous!
29 Apr 2024 snippedsniper commented
You should just cut through your scrotum above the jar and they'd come free in a neat little package!
29 Apr 2024 snippedsniper commented
At first I thought he was going to cut around the sack and then tie off the cords and cut the testicles free, but then I saw him just GOING FOR IT cutting straight through his full sack! Amazing 😂👍
09 Jan 2023 snippedsniper commented
Nurse: "We were able to stitch your scrotum back together, so at least you still have your testicles"

Officer: "Oh no! Please nurse please, just cut them off too, if there's no way I'll be able to release I don't want the frustration of testicles!"

Nurse: "You're sure? I admit the thought crossed my mind, but they're in such good shape I figured you'd want them!" "Ok! Prep the O.R. again! And all the young female nurses scrub in, we get to perform a voluntary castration!"
20 Dec 2022 snippedsniper commented
You both get to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience! The husband finally gets the chance to actually get neutered! And by his loving wife! And the wife gets to enjoy such a close and intimate moment as she cuts off her husband's testicles that he freely gives to her!
24 Jul 2020 snippedsniper commented
@FeminizertoU so you think they took another layer off?
19 May 2020 snippedsniper commented
Those are some really small testicles
19 May 2020 snippedsniper commented
I just love how they're just holding his severed sac! And it's still full of his testicles! I bet it would feel so strange yet amazing to just hold your castrated sac in you hand, and feel the weight of it detached from your body. You could just feel how neutered you are!