30 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
Yes it is.
29 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
This is great
28 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
Very nice pair of young kids
23 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
He has a surprised look on her face, like she wasn't expecting to be the one on the spit.
23 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
The meat tag is a bar code, it is her meat registry code/number on it. It is so you can file a report on the meat, that it has been processed and or BBQ'ed and the like.

Das Fleisch-Tag ist ein Strichcode, es ist ihr Fleisch Registrierungscode / Nummer drauf. Es ist, so können Sie einen Bericht über die Fleisch-Datei, dass es bearbeitet wurde und oder BBQ'ed und dergleichen.
23 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
It's a meat tag.
19 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
She blinked
14 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
Hunting was good today.
14 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
What do we have for an opening bid for the first one?
08 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
@Timo_loves_sex Yes it is.
06 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
the real aspect is that the man Dracula was based on was a true sadistic torturer. He learned how to impale a person so to not kill them right off, and they at times could live several days in agony before dying. Many times having their abdomen swelled up and burst open from the heat of the sun and the intestinal juices leaking within and building up gas to that point they ripped open sometimes while still alive.
01 Jan 2015 tweety27 commented
If done right she will still be alive afterwards for some time. Count Dracula's Legend came from a real man who learned how to impale people, especially women, which allowed them to live up to several days at times before dying an agonizing death. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_the_Impaler
30 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
@MidnightRaven Well, the food prepared and sold by the venders at it would use the meat from the volunteers, we just won't tell anyone how the Bratwurst they are eating were made or from what.
21 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
How often they forget
20 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Just about ready to eat.
20 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Who is hungry and ready to eat?
16 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
15 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
WOW, she is about to burst.
15 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
All women should go through this training. And continue to get it daily.
14 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Yes, remember to keep your mouth open like that for the spit when it gets there.
14 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
She doesn't realize it, but he is getting her ready for the spit.
13 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Milk cow
12 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Should of sent her to me for execution, She would of made some good cuts of meat.
12 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Oh daddy why?
12 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
They just had no idea what was in store
08 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Preparing things to cook her.
04 Dec 2014 tweety27 commented
Looks like hunting would be really good there.
28 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Come on bitch, it's time to prepare the main course of their diner.
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
I bet she is fun
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
She is scheduled to have her legs removed next week.
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
She is trying to get away from the burglar. He has already raped her twice.
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
He found her home alone.
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
I would love to have her.
26 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
He was really controlling, he had doctors remove her arms and legs to prevent her from going out on her own. He is able to abuse her with no worry she will run away.
23 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Would make some nice auction material.
16 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Left to die a slow death.
12 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Skinning them while they are still a live is fun, but you want to do it so you have one piece of skin instead of several, and the skin over the front of the body is in one piece. Love making things from the skin.
05 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Putting a few slaves to work, they think they are safe that way. Wrong.
05 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Yum, looks like the roast is ready to serve.
05 Nov 2014 tweety27 commented
Yes, she looks like she is still a live , able to enjoy her situation!