Dark Encounters

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Dark Encounters Forum   ADK - Supplying

Group Member Jul 6th 2014
This was originally written by someone called ADK on the old Gurochan board before it went down. Enjoy.



Fuck, shit, fuck, crap and double-fuck.

Razor disappeared three days ago, and now they got Dodger. Sure, sometimes people go missing down here, but it’s less than a week since we botched that job over at W-Y, and I don’t believe for a second that this isn’t them getting some payback. Ask anyone down here about the corp. states, and they’ll tell you to leave them the fuck alone, but it seemed so easy. That one job, and all three of us could get out of this shithole for good. Maybe even get a job at one of those places, become a real citizen-employee. Hah, not fucking likely and now it’s never going to happen. It’s only a matter of time before they catch me, and I don’t want to hang around long enough to find out what they’ll do then. Maybe I should buy a bunch of sleeping pills before it’s too late, but I’m not sure I can get my hands on anything strong enough to off me before they track the payment and pick me up. Fuck.

I’m mindlessly half-running down the street, constantly looking over my shoulder. Way to attract attention to myself, but I’m too nervous not to. But then I see it, the collection point. Instantly, I know that’s what I want to do, and I’m through the door before I have time to get cold feet. Not like I’ve got any better prospects, and this feels like a nice, big FU to those pricks over at W-Y. The room I enter look like a hotel lobby, comfortable chairs surround coffee tables with magazines lying around on them and everything. The receptionist is a pretty brunette, obviously of a better background than me. She’s no corpizen, but there’s no way she’s ever slept on the street, or gone hungry to bed. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt more out of place, but she’s smiling encouragingly at me, and after a few seconds I find myself facing her from across her counter.

’Hello miss, welcome to this Hills Meat collection point. How may I help you today?’ She sounds friendly, in a professional way.

’I er…’ I feel a slight blush covering my cheeks and force the words out: ’I would like to supply.’

’Yourself?’ She looks at me assessingly, quickly giving me a once over.

I’m unable to reply, and just nod as I feel a deeper blush creep over my face.

’Any particular wishes for your collector? Man or Woman? Rough or gentle? Any specific ethnicity you like?’ She realizes how lost I look, and smile at me kindly.

’You have no idea how this works, do you? Why don’t you go wait over there for a few minutes, and I’ll call out the collectors we’ve got available, you can see if one of them takes your fancy?’

I nod gratefully, and let myself sink into one of the big, comfortable chairs, idly flicking through the latest fashion magazines. As if that shit ever interested me.

I get lost in my own thoughts for a few minutes before the receptionist calls out to me. I look up and see that we’re no longer alone, a small group of people are standing off to the side, outside a door leading further into the building. The collectors. I slowly make my way closer to them, finding myself both scared of and drawn towards them, even as most of them are doing their best to seem friendly and non-threatening. They’re a mixed bunch, five men and three women, and they’re all clearly trying to stand out from the rest. The first one is a tall, broad-shouldered guy. He’s got a friendly smile, and looks relaxed, happy. He winks at me when he notices my attention, but doesn’t try to rush my decision. He looks just like the boyfriend I always wished for, but that picture doesn’t fit with what I’m looking for here. At all. I look up into his eyes and shake my head sadly, mumbling out an apology. He just shrugs and gently touches my arm, silently telling me it’s fine, that this is my choice. Next is a pale, skinny guy. His ink black hair stands up in a Mohawk, and he’s got a dangerous feel to him that I imagine a lot of people like. But he doesn’t do it for me either. And then I see her. Taller than me, and lean, but her body still looks soft in all the right places. Her skin is light brown, and her purple hair gathered in cornrows, before falling down her back in a thick braid. She’s wearing loose jeans, a tight white t-shirt, and an unzipped black leather jacket. Her smallish breasts are obviously without bra, I can see the outline of her nipples poking against the fabric of her t-shirt. I wonder if she’s turned on, and if it’s the idea of collecting me that’s doing that to her. I look up into her face, full lips, and expressive, dark brown eyes. Why didn’t I meet her before I got into this mess?

I reach out towards her tentatively, then blush and stop myself, looking down. I have no idea about proper etiquette for a situation like this. Before I have time to embarrass myself further, I feel her hand on the side of my face, gently cupping my cheek. Her other hand takes mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Then she’s bending down, trying to catch my eyes with hers. After a moment I give in, and let my eyes meet hers.

’Hey,’ Her voice is soft, soothing. ’would you like me to collect you? I know I would love to be the one helping you supply.’ Even though the euphemism sounds practiced, her voice and words still sink deep into me, calming me and reassuring me that going with her is what I want.

And just like that, I’m sold. I let myself fall into her, tucking my head under her chin, my face pressed close against her as I breathe her in. Her natural feminine scent mixed with light perfume, and the smell of leather from her jacket. She just holds me close and strokes one hand over my hair as I feel my nervousness and embarrassment slowly fade, and when I look up again, it’s like only her and me exists in the world. The other collectors have gone back to wherever they came from, and the receptionist is back at her desk, giving us some privacy. She takes me back to a preparation room and performs a quick physical. It’s somewhat impersonal, and I get the feeling she wants to get this part over with as much as I do. She scans me to confirm I’ve got no mods, not even the basic brainware most people get as kids. I’m 100% biological human, and yet all the rich bastards, with their hardware and wetware and GM bodies call me a rat. We barely talk during the exam, and afterwards she leads me through corridors of numbered doors, once again reminding me of a hotel. We stop outside a door that doesn’t look any different from the others, and she turns to face me. She takes a deep breath, and looks at me seriously.

’Last chance. Once we’ve gone through this door, I have to collect you. I don’t know why you want to do this, but you better be real sure. Once this door is closed behind us, it won’t open again till there’s only one person left alive inside. It’s a safeguard, to make sure I fulfill my contractual obligations. It’s not a policy I care much for, but there it is.’ She looks at me hesitatingly, like she’s actually expecting me to bail. Me, I’m just glad we finally reached this point. I’ve been sure since I saw her in the lobby, and all this official crap was starting to really annoy me. I take a step closer to her, and stand on my tiptoes to kiss her.

’Thank you. But I’m sure.’

She smiles at me, wrapping her arms around me again, hands quickly sliding down to grasp my ass. A surprised squeal escapes me as she lifts me off the floor, but then I moan happily and wrap my legs around her as she pushes the door open with her butt, carrying me into the room. She kisses my neck, and I can’t help laughing in pleasure as the door clicks shut behind us. I feel like a bride being carried to her wedding night.

’More like a piece of meat being carried to its butchers block.’ I think, and a small shiver runs down my back. Still, I feel so happy in her arms.


She puts me on the bed, lying down next to me and holding me close. She wraps one arm around me as she pets my hair, leaning down to give me a quick kiss before looking into my eyes.

’So…?’ She looks at me questioningly, and now I really do feel like a virgin bride, with no idea what to expect, and I feel uncertainty and no small amount of fear well up in me. My eyes are darting around the room, trying to think of something to say. It really is like a hotel room, except the sheets are latex, and the floor ceramic tiles. For ease of cleaning, I guess, and try not to think of the substances that need cleaning off. She takes a deep breath, and I realize I have gone too long without replying.

’Do you want me to explain how this works, maybe give you a few suggestions about how we can do it?’ Her smile is friendly, but she also looks slightly annoyed with me, like she feels I should have prepared better. I can’t help nodding in relief though. I picked this woman as my collector, and I have to trust she’ll make it as good for me as she can.

’Ok, let’s start with the basics. You have up to 24 hours, after that we have to be done. That’s until around 6 pm tomorrow. During that time, we can do whatever you want, and I can also collect you in any way you desire. If you’re here because you’re looking for an easy way out of trouble’ She looks at me as if she sees right through me, and I guess I’m not the first desperate soul to wander in here ’I can collect you while you sleep. We can have sex now if you want, till you’re satisfied and worn out and sleepy, and then you’ll just go to sleep and never have to worry about anything again, I’ll take care of the rest. Is that what you want?’

I am at the same time intrigued and horrified by her suggestion, she makes it sound so casual, as if this is an everyday occurrence. But then, I guess it is for her, and instantly I know I want something different, something that’ll make her remember me. I doubt anyone else will, so if I want someone to think of me after I’m gone, it has to be this woman. I know I want that, want her to think back of all the suppliers she’s collected, with me standing out from the rest. Now I just need to find out how to achieve that, and I only have 24 hours.

’Why do you do this?’ The question seems to catch her off-guard, and she looks reluctant to answer, like she’s trying to come up with some plausible lie. ’Please. I would really like to know.’

She looks down at me with an unreadable expression for a few moments before she replies.

’I… I like killing people… Women, really. I like killing women.’ She looks vaguely uncomfortable with the admission.

’You get off on it? Killing other women turns you on?’ I have a hard time hiding the surprise from my voice. I had heard of such things before, of course, but I thought it was only depraved, old businessmen who were into it.

’I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. This is about you, and –‘ She’s blushing now, and I can feel her retreating emotionally, even as she’s bringing her professional façade back up.

’Wait! I’m not offended, merely… Surprised. Tell me about how killing women turns you on, how you ended up here. Please?’ I look up at her with pleading eyes.

’I didn’t always live here, on the edges of the slums. I was actually corporate born. Not one of the true elite, but far above what you can even imagine.’ She looks at me with sympathy, and I must admit to some surprise at her previous station in life.

’What happened?’

’I had a girlfriend. She was beautiful, and we were so in love. She knew about my fantasies, and when we had sex, we would often talk about what it would be like if I killed her during. How it would feel for her to surrender so completely to me, and how I would fuck her to death. For her it was just that, a fantasy, but either I couldn’t see that, or I didn’t want to. While she was away on a business trip after we’d been together for a few years, I had some new hardware installed. I of course had the standard brainware and GM stuff, along with a few other things already, but this was… Special. Custom made.’ I’m curious about what kind of hardware it was, but she’s got a faraway look to her, lost in the telling of her story, and I don’t want to interrupt her, afraid she won’t finish. I can ask about it afterwards.

’At first, she was horrified. She very nearly broke up with me, but I convinced her not to. It did put a strain on our relationship though, and for months our sex was a lot more vanilla, with no mention of our earlier fantasies. After a while though, they started creeping back in, and eventually she agreed to let me use it on her. Without activating the special features, of course. Then, our sex life became explosive. I would fuck her every day, often more than once, always whispering in her ear about how I wanted to activate it while fucking her, killing her with my passion. For her, it was still just fantasy, but for me… One day I just couldn’t hold back. To this day I can’t tell you if it was an accident, or I meant to do it, but my girlfriend definitely didn’t want it. She was looking up at me, asking me to fuck her harder, and all of a sudden she screamed and tried to push me off her, her eyes overflowing with fear, and pain, and betrayal. I didn’t realize what I had done, or I was too far gone in my bloodlust to care, but by the time I came to my senses, she was dead. I had murdered her.’ She’s quiet for a few moments, obviously lost in memories while I try to digest her story. I’m not sure exactly what happened, and squeeze her hand in what I hope is a reassuring way, gently brushing my thumb over her knuckles.

’The trial was a huge media event, with her family wanting me executed, but as a corpizen I had certain rights. In the end, I was fired, stripped of employee benefits, and banished. Neither side was really happy with that outcome, which some say is the hallmark of a good compromise. After a few months of drifting, I ended up here, and the rest you can guess.’

I’m still not sure exactly how she murdered her girlfriend, and as I tell her so, she gives me a wicked smile, earlier wistfulness gone, and says it’s easier to show me. She stands up, and quickly shrugs out of her leather jacket, noticing my shocked expression as she grabs the hem of her t-shirt.

’What? I hope you didn’t plan on us staying dressed, did you?’ She gives me a saucy wink, professional seductress in action, and I shake my head, speechless.

’Good.’ She purrs, before pulling the garment over her head, casually throwing it to a corner. Her breasts are small, and pert, and I’m mesmerized by her hard nipples. Her abdomen is flat, and looks soft, her waist and hips perfectly shaped. I feel I may as well be looking at a goddess. While I’m still hungrily staring at her upper body, she quickly kicks off her shoes, before unzipping her jeans and pulling them down. She's wearing a pair of crimson boy shorts that she somehow manages to look incredibly sexy in.

’Like what you see?’ She teases me, clearly aware of the effect she’s having on me. Her arms and legs are toned and her muscles well defined, but not so much as to detract from her feminine beauty. She’s gorgeous, and she knows it. I am merely able to nod as my mouth waters. She turns around, laughing, and bends over to give me a perfect view of her deliciously tight butt as she slowly peel her underwear down over her cheeks. I feel my arousal growing, as more of her crack comes into view, and when she lets her underwear fall to the ground, giving me a peek at her lips, I know I’m wet. She straightens her back and starts dancing slowly, still with her back turned. The swaying off her hips is hypnotizing, and when she turns around to run a hand teasingly from her thigh to her breast, my mind goes blank. She advances on me slowly, a predatory glint in her eyes, and I suddenly realize that she’s diverting my attention.

’Wait! Your girlfriend! Are you going to do to me what you did to her? You said you would show me? Please, I want to know! I want to understand so I can do better, so you will remember me!’ A pleading note enters my voice, desperate for her to understand me. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to fight back my desire before I just let her fuck me senseless, till I’m passed out and she can just quietly collect me in my sleep.

A hint of wary realization enters her expression, and she looks at me guardedly.

’You… want to recreate the way I murdered my girlfriend, so I will remember you?’ She sounds suspicious.

’Please. No one else will remember me. I want to make this about you, instead of me, so that someone will have good memories of me.’ I realize it sounds slightly insane, I don’t even know what exactly she did yet, but she’s so beautiful, and I’m desperate to make her happy, make her remember me.

She takes a deep breath.

’Ok. I’ll show you. Then we’ll see how badly you want this. My girlfriend died screaming and sobbing in pain, and she used to fantasize about this.’ I look at her, and for a moment, nothing happens. Then it’s like the skin on her pubic mound parts, and a metallic cock grows out. I stare in disbelief as it keep growing, nearly two feet and curved, sticking out from her body at an obscene angle. I can’t help touching it, and am surprised at the shudder she gives as I run my hand over the smooth metal tip.

’It’s attached to my nervous system, so I can feel it like it’s a apart of me. Hardware toys like this aren’t that rare among the corporate elite, though mine is bigger than average. It’s the special features that makes it unique, and is the reason I had to have it custom made. Move your hand away.’ I look up at her, wondering what else this monstrosity might be capable off, but remove my hand as she asked.

’Now, the size is adjustable, a common feature to maximize the pleasure of my partner. The truly unique feature, the one I used to murder my girlfriend, is this.’ As she says it, the cock is suddenly covered in spikes. Not bumps or ridges for pleasure, but half inch long, razor sharp spikes sticking out all along and around the shaft. I feel my eyes widen in fear.

’See?’ She smiles at me sadly, and the spikes disappear again. Her cock stays though, but at a more realistic size. Now it’s just about similar to a very well-endowed man. ’I often use it like this when collecting, but I’ve never used the spikes more than that one time, and I don’t plan to. It’s just a fantasy, I know that now. No woman would willingly submit herself to that kind of suffering. With this job, I can still enjoy killing women in other ways.’ She smiles dangerously at me, and for a fleeting moment I wonder if I should have gone with mr. boyfriend instead of her, but I quickly push down my fear.

’I love you.’ I don’t know where the words come from, but as soon as they’re out of my mouth, I know they’re true.

’I love you, and I will do so for the rest of my life, though it may not be long. Tonight, I want you to make love to me. Just you and me, no tricks, no toys, no thinking about what we are to each other, supplier and collector. Then, I want to fall asleep in your arms, and for you to actually sleep next to me, like lovers do. Resting peacefully in each other’s arms. No collecting me during the night. Then, tomorrow morning, before I lose my nerve, I want you to fuck me. Fuck me to death. And I will welcome your killing cock the way your girlfriend should have done. Because I love you, fully, and you deserve someone to love you like that.’ I’m nervous during my little speech, but I can see wonder on her face, as she slowly understands that I mean it. Then she’s on the bed next to me, the metallic cock once again hidden inside her body somehow, and I feel her holding me close, a single tear rolling down her perfect cheek.

’Thank you’ She breathes out, and then she’s kissing me tenderly, all over my face. ’I love you too, and I promise, to love you for the rest of your life, and to never forget you. This is the most precious gift anyone could ever give me.’ I let myself soak up her love and her sincerity, and feel that this might just be the one good thing I manage to do in my short, worthless life. This amazing woman loves me, and I’m going to make her happy in a way no one else ever have, and she’ll remember me forever because of it.

That night, we make love like no one has ever made love to me before. We both know we only get this one night together, and she wants to make my last night as perfect as possible, while I’m desperate to make sure it’s unforgettable for her.


I feel enveloped by warmth, softness, and a delicious smell of sex. I’m not sure exactly when I fell asleep last night, but the light shining through the window tells me it’s early next morning. I let out a relieved, happy sigh that the beauty in my arms didn’t collect me during the night, and snuggle closer against her shoulder, giving her body a gentle squeeze. She’s on her back, me cuddled close to her side, her left arm around me, my head resting just above her breast. I realize that she’s already awake, and that it was her gently stroking my hair that woke me up. I turn my head and place a wet, open-mouthed kiss on the top of her breast, to let her know I’m awake.

’Hey sweetmeat.’ She sounds both happy and sad, and the peculiar term of endearment sends a shudder through my body. She notices this, and I can feel her shift down to place a kiss to the top of my head.

’Do you want me to collect you now, or...? I can snap your neck, and it’ll be over before you have time to worry. No pain, I promise.’

’I already told you how I want to be collected.’ I’m slightly upset she’s ignoring it, but too content in her arms to ruin the moment.

’Sweetmeat, last night was amazing, and I loved fantasizing about fucking you to death, but –‘ Before she has a chance to continue I’ve rolled around so I’m straddling her, my hands on her shoulders as I’m looking down on her seriously.

No. No buts. I told you I want this, and I’m not backing out. I love you, and I want you to live out your fantasy with me. I want you to thrust your big, thick, girl-killing cock deep into me, and fuck me to death. I want to see the look on your face as you rip my cunt shreds.’ I don’t know where the words come from; I’m not normally a masochist. I cried like a little girl the first time a guy fucked me in the ass and every time after that as well. Still, I kept letting men do whatever they wanted to me, so I guess I’ve always had a submissive streak.

’It’s going to hurt. A lot. If I orgasm with it out, I can’t control myself, and it grows to full length, with all the spikes out. It’s not just going to shred your cunt, but punch through to your abdomen and rip your guts apart.’ She looks at me with a mix of lust and concern. She’s clearly turned on by the idea of doing this to me, but also fearful I’ll get cold feet once she’s started, and ruin the experience for her, like her dead girlfriend did. I’m determined not to let that happen.

’Please. I like when it hurts.’ That’s a blatant lie, but I hope my suggestive wink covers it up. I want to fulfill her fantasy without her worrying about me. ’I might scream and struggle, but if you have to hold me down, that’s just an extra turn-on. I want to experience going all the way. Letting you take me as hard as you can, no limits or safe words.’ I hope she buys it, the only experience I have with such things is a dick of an ex who liked tying me up, and I hated it. All this thinking back really makes me realize what a crap life I’ve had, and reinforces my determination to go through with this. She looks at me with suspicion, clearly seeing through my lie. Fuck it, I love this woman, and I don’t want her to hold back. I take a deep breath, and let my fear show on my face.

’Ok. I’ve never been into pain. I’m scared dead of how much it’ll hurt when you fuck me with that thing.’ I crack a half smile at my own joke. ’But this is important to me. You are important to me. In a few short hours, all that will be left of me is a carcass in some cooling house, but before that I want to give you your fantasy. Giving you that is the only thing of worth I’ll leave behind. Well, that and my, my meat, but no one will think of me when they eat it. But years from now, I hope you can think back on me, and how I fulfilled your fantasy. Even if I scream and cry, and you have to hold me down, I go into this willingly. Unlike your girlfriend, who only liked the fantasy, I want you to fuck me to death. Even if I lose my nerve along the way, I want you to keep going. Please.’

She looks up at me for a few long seconds as I’m nervously chewing my lower lip. Then she smiles brilliantly and pulls me down into a heated, open-mouthed kiss, all tongue and teeth. We make out for a few minutes before I break away from our kisses, looking down at her heatedly.

’Now. Please.’ My cunt is wet and throbbing, my nipples hard, and I can clearly hear the need in my voice. I’ve never before wanted to be fucked so badly, even though I know it’ll kill me.

She looks up at me questioningly, and when I nod slightly, she immediately flips us over so she’s on top. She’s smiling down at me with all her teeth showing. They’re white and sharp, and there’s a predatory, feral glint in her eyes. I feel a stab of fear as I realize just how dangerous this woman is. She’s killed countless more or less willing girls, including her very much not consenting girlfriend whom she even claims to have loved. Still, she’s also beautiful, and there’s an undeniable hunger in her gaze. I’m not quite sure what she’s hungry for; my meat, my pain, my death; probably all at once, but it’s wildly arousing to feel such strong desire focused entirely on me. She reaches down between us, and without me noticing she must have brought the metallic monstrosity that is her cock out, for I feel her pressing it against my cunt, hard, smooth and unyielding .

’The spikes aren’t out yet, and it’s not much longer than a man’s. You’ll get the rest when I come for the first time.’ She leers down at me, and I just look up at her, unable to express everything I feel. Love, desire, and an overwhelming fear, not of death, but of the pain, and of letting her down.

’Ready?’ I give her a slight nod, and in one smooth movement she’s buried the length of her cock deep in my body. I gasp in shock, all the air knocked out of me. It’s been months since I had anything bigger than my own fingers in me, and there’s a strong burn as my cunt stretches to accommodate her size. Still, it feels good to be fucked after so long, and I wrap my arms around her, digging my nails into her back as I spread my legs further, welcoming her deep thrusts, a pleasured whimper escaping my mouth as she sinks an inch deeper.

She pounds into me steadily for maybe a minute, the burn slowly turning to pleasure as my cunt gets used to being stretched, my breaths getting shorter as my pleasure grows.

’Play with your clit.’ The command is hot and moist against my ear. ’I want you to come before I kill you.’ I’m helpless to resist, my right hand immediately finding its way between our bodies, down to my hard clit, which eagerly welcomes the attention. She changes her angle slightly, or maybe she makes her cock change shape, I’m not sure, but suddenly she’s hitting my g-spot on every stroke, and I gasp in pleasure as I wrap my legs around her, drawing her deeper as my fingers mercilessly manipulate my clit. It doesn’t take long before I feel my climax wash through me, tasting her sweat as I moan out my pleasure against the side of her neck, my cunt clenching rhythmically around her cock. For a few moments she stays still on top of me, cock buried deep in my cunt as I savour my orgasm.

When my breathing has calmed down a bit I open my eyes to look up at her in wonder.

’You said the spikes will come out when you come?’ She nods down at me. ’Your turn, then.’ I spread my legs as wide as I can in invitation, winking at her suggestively. I look forward to making this beautiful creature orgasm, to see the look of bliss on her face as she fucks me to death. ’Fuck me as hard as you can, fuck me with your deadly steel cock, slam it into me. I want to really feel it, feel you come deep inside me and fill me up with steel and pain and death.’ I feel like I’m possessed, but right now I really do want her to fuck me to death. I can’t wait to feel the spikes pierce the walls of my cunt and tear through my flesh. ’I want to feel your girl-killing cock deep in my body, all the way up here – ‘ I take her hand in mine and place it on my soft vulnerable tummy ’ – ripping my insides to shreds.’ I press my hips up against her, desperate in my need. ’Please. Fuck me now. Fuck me till you come inside me and kill me.’

For a moment, she looks at me in amazement. Then her expression changes, all traces of tenderness gone, and only the predator left. She takes both of my wrists in one of her hands, pinning them above my head so I’m stretched out below her, my body arching towards her. Then she pulls nearly all the way out, before slamming hard back into me. She holds me down as she starts fucking me with renewed vigour, her thrusts hard and rough, she’s clearly past caring for my pleasure or comfort. I mewl in pain as she slams into my cervix repeatedly, I think she’s slowly growing her cock to full size as she pounds into me.

’This what you wanted, meatslut? A big cock fucking you to death? I could still just snap your neck and fuck your carcass instead, might be easier. You better beg for it if you want me to kill you with my cock, little painwhore.’ I’m surprised by her sudden change in demeanour, but also incredibly turned on.

’Please! Please don’t snap my neck. I want to feel your cock ripping my apart. I know I’m just another piece of meat wanting to be fucked and killed, but please at least come in me first. Let me feel your spikes in my flesh before you kill me. Let me feel you tear my living body apart.’ I feel an extra hard thrust, like someone punched me hard, only inside, and a painful tearing sensation at the back of my cunt. Then a sickening sliding sensation in my abdomen, and I know she’s broken through into my guts. Its pain unlike anything I have ever imagined as my organs are pushed aside to make room for her invasion, and tears spring to my eyes.

’Hah, don’t like it so much now, do you? Bet you wish I’d snapped your neck now. But no, little cunt had to play tough. Now you’re going to take it all, like a good little deathslut. Shame about your fillet, I’d have liked eating that, but when I’m done there won’t be anything left of your cunt.’ I can feel her cock making its way deeper into my guts as she speak, horrified at how easily my body yields to her. I open my eyes, and her face is no longer beautiful, but twisted in a vicious snarl as she fucks me to death. I sense her orgasm, and the sealing of my fate, drawing nearer.

Her thrusts are getting shorter, more frantic, and I think her cock has reached its full length, the tip obscenely poking against somewhere deep in my guts. Despite the pain, I wrap my arms and legs around her, pulling her down to whisper hotly in her ear.

’Come for me now. Come for your little meatslut and kill her with your cock. Let me feel your spikes tear my insides to shreds, and rip my cunt apart.’ I clench tight around her, wanting desperately to feel the spikes in me.

’Fuck!’ Is all she gasps out, and then pain explodes through my mind. My legs clench around her involuntarily, my nails clawing at her back as she convulse in orgasm, the spikes piercing my cunt countless places, tearing it up as she thrusts into me with short, hard jabs. I can’t imagine what horrendous damage they’re doing to my insides, but pain is blossoming throughout my belly. After a few seconds she collapses on top of, heaving for breath with her deathly cock lodged deep inside my ruined body. The pain lessens slightly now she’s stopped moving, but I can feel a steady stream of my blood flowing out from the remnants of my cunt. I’m not sure how long it’ll take, but I have no doubt that I’m dying. My legs feel weak, and I let them fall uselessly from around her, and instead manage to bring one hand around to cup her cheek.

’I love you.’ My voice is hoarse, strained, and for a moment, I’m not sure she heard me. Then she turns her head to look at me, and for a moment, pure adoration shines from her eyes.

’I love you too.’ She gives me a hard kiss. ’But you didn’t think I was done with you, did you, my little deathslut?’ The moment is gone, and she’s once again turned into the feral girl-killing beast.

She raises herself up above me in her arms, and grins evilly as I look up at her in fear. Then she starts slowly pulling her cock out of me, all the spines still out. It’s sickeningly painful, as I feel bits of myself being torn lose from inside me, and we both look down between our bodies, at her slowly emerging cock. Me in horrified fascination, her in open lusts. At first it’s just blood, but soon I see small pieces of what can only have been my cunt stuck to it, and as she pulls it further out, unidentifiably pieces of blood covered gore that must have been part of my guts. There’s a wet sucking sound as she pulls the tip free, followed by a small rush of blood carrying bits of… me.

’Oh yeah, that’s so fucking sexy.’ She purrs, clearly turned further on by the proof of the damage she’s done to me. I look on gasping, nearly throwing up from a mix of fear, lust and pain. ’Turn over for me sweetmeat, I want to fuck you some more before you die.’ This is neither the feral beast, nor the sweet, caring girl who made love to me last night, but someone in between, and I feel I might finally see her as she truly is. Loving, but with an undeniable desire to hurt, destroy and kill those she loves. I try to comply, but my legs aren’t really that responsive anymore. Sensing my trouble, she quickly flips me over, gripping my hips in her strong arms to raise my ass up in the air. My head and upper body remains resting on the bed, too weak to do anything but turn my head to the side.

’Mmm, you ready for me to fuck you some more? I want to make sure your insides are a right bloody mess when I’m done with you, want to tear you up and rip you apart some more.’ As she speaks she’s running her hands over my ass and lower back, caressing me like a lover, and I’m reminded that I’ve been told this is my most flattering angle.

’Please…’ Is all I manage to croak out, bucking my hips feebly. I want her to enjoy killing me to the fullest, and, if I am honest with myself, now that we have come this far I want to go all the way. She takes it as permission and takes a firm grasp of my hips before once again slamming her deathly steel cock into me. I don’t know if I’m numbing to the pain, or just slowly fading from blood loss, but either way this new violation of my tortured body is less horrifying than the first.

I’m not sure how long she fucks me like this, but I think she’s deliberately trying to cause as much damage as possible. She changes her angle multiple times, to hit various parts inside me, and every so often she pulls all the way out, moaning in pleasure when she sees part of me cling to her cock before falling to the bed, or simply sliding out of the gaping, bloody hole between my legs, along with the steady stream of blood. Finally, I feel her grasp my hips hard and gasp in pleasure as she once again comes in me, though with her cock already at full size, and all the spikes out, I’m not sure how much more damage she can do, until I feel something inside me being pierced, and a moment later I’m coughing up blood.

She stays still behind me for a moment before withdrawing her cock once again, but this time she’s slow and gentle, stroking me soothingly. As soon as she’s no longer supporting my hips, I collapse on the bed, but soon I’m being carefully lifted by strong arms, and placed to rest comfortably against her, cradled in her arms and with my head on her chest. I feel a small rush of blood and, well, other parts of me between my legs as she places me in a more upright position.

’My brave, beautiful girl.’ Her words are soft, soothing, and she’s gently caressing my face as she speaks. Now that her bloodlust is sated, she’s again the woman from last night. ’Thank you for being so perfect for me.’ She places a tender kiss to my temple. ’You have no idea what you letting me do that means to me. I hope you enjoyed it, just a little.’ I try to reply, but all that comes out of my mouth is a trickle of blood down my chin, over her breast, and instead just turn my head slightly and smile at her. My vision is dimming. I can tell I’m fading fast.

’Shhh, don’t try to speak. I know you love me, I love you too. Just rest now, you’ve made me so very happy, and I’ll never forget you.’ She kisses me open-mouthed, and I manage to caress her tongue with mine, just a little. There’s no hunger this time, only love, and the strong taste of my own blood mixing with our saliva. ’Shhh, it’s ok. Just rest now, I got you. I promise to stay with you. I love you so, so much. My beautiful little meatslut. ‘

She holds me close, continuing to caress my hair and face as she murmurs sweet nothing to me, and as I rest my head back on her breast, waiting to bleed out, I feel truly happy for the first and last time in my life.
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Group Member Jul 6th 2014
Huh, no edit message button.

Just wanted to add that it is very slightly modified from the original, for those who read this and see a line here or there feeling different.
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Group Member Jul 10th 2014
beautifully dark and perfect! BRAVO!
This has to be the best piece I have ever read about this kind of meat giving.

Well written and engaging ... and so erotic.


Glad you both enjoyed it. That's what we're here for. Perhaps you could post something consensual of your own?
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Group Member Jul 17th 2014
Oh my... This story is Great!!!
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Group Member Aug 13th 2014
Wow - that ADK would be me, glad to see the story is being appreciated!
If there's interest, I'll be happy to post some more here. My full body of works (which isn't that big, I've been writing for less than a year) can be found at the dolcett girls forum, if any of you go there, under the same name.
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Group Member Aug 25th 2014
I've set up an ASSTR account, and most of my stuff can now be found at:

Not quite complete yet, but nearly.
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Group Member Jan 20th 2023
oh my what a way to go. fucked to death
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