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Fans_of_EaFireheart Forum   my little DEWEZ story

Group General Jul 10th 2013
i tried to attempt handjob on my DEWEZ..he didn't bark or growl at me when i started to rub his penis but his ears were down. he always has his ears down when i pet him too

it got hot and i felt the DEWEZ's heat intensify. it was close to his belly then after i started to rub him, it got loser and so it moved from his belly to down a bit... after doing more that's when i noticed he got really hot and then he yipped to get away from me.he does that as he knows i block him in and the sound hurts my ears so he can escape

i got hot to and aroused lol... i want to do oral on him so bad

the next day when i was in my room half asleep and my door was open
he came up to the bed and i patted his head and then i reached for his penis again
i rubbed it a little before i stopped to pet his head again
he got a little hot that time and when i reached for his penis again he ran

he doesn't bark or growl, just has his ears down, but i don't think he minds me touching him since he doesn't protest

when i tried to touch my other pet
she would back away lol and look at me like what are you doing (she freaked out)
so she doesn't like it when i touch her ass lol

the DEWEZ doesn't react in this manor so maybe he will start to lick my pussy too

the next day i tried the same thing and he let me
when i tried to pull his furry sheath out.. i get to the tip and then a little bit further but not all of it is out
he let me touch it, i even licked it (it didnt taste weird like i had thought it would)
i tried for a third time, i grasped the shaft through the sheath near the base, close to the DEWEZ's scrotum, and started rubbing rapidly.
i felt it get hard
tried to pull the sheath back again and licked it.. this time he started to little kick
then he laid his head down on the bed
looks tired or not interested

the first time his slit thingy looks white
now its red color no not like blood or infected
i think this means its wanting to come out
since his penis also changed from this white color to red and pink

then i got tired and let him out

i got him to fall sleep (just kept rubbing his penis while its hiding lol)
i continued to rub him and got his penis out
i started to suck on his penis and thats when he woke up. so i tried a second time
he was starting to get hard when he backed away and it back into its hidden place

it dosnt taste weird at all to me (thought it would but it doesn't)

before this i tried to see if he would lick my pussy but instead he barely sniffed it and turned his head away and went the other way.. so i put the scent on my finger and he licked it.. after a few times his bottom lip began to shake as if he was cold... but he would not lick my pussy when i tried to get him to follow my finger...

i am very new to this and he hasnt protested but what if what im going to say is... he dosnt bark, growl, kick, or bite... but a trembling bottom lip and a tear? this was only on the third time.. thinking its because he is unsure whats going on and from waking up. he dosnt seem to mind when i touch the sheath though so i really dont know.)
when it went into its hiding place
i tried to go for it again (gently as always) when it made contact with my skin he yipped out (he was scared i think or just didnt want me to do it)
then i noticed a tear ran from his eye... (could be from him sleeping...

the pic on ML shows what i mean... his tail is down and he has this sad look to his eyes like always... so its hard to tell if he is sad...)

he never would come to me when i call his name
he runs under the bed
he always had done this

the parents say its because he thinks he is in trouble

he only comes to me when

A there is no where for him to go other than forward
B when he is not feeling good
C when i have his lease on

i attempted to see his reaction if i tried to get his penis out...
well he shed a tear again or its dried sleep very hard to tell
so i wont attempt this anymore (its hard to get to him... since he was never trained right and dosnt have obedience)

he is fixed also which explains his reactions
hr never went to the obedience school either and he is not use to people or other dogs
he always barks or goes up to them and barks
its also hard to get him to come to u..
that may also explain his reactions

so how did u like that story even if i cant continue it ?
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Group General Sep 25th 2013
Wow, that is something quite different

yes it is
sorry for late response
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