Fantasy Stories about strangulation

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Fantasy Stories about strangulation Forum   The program

Group Member Nov 11th 2023
This story is based on the Star Trek Voyager franchise. I do not own any part of the franchise and the story is a work of fiction and nonprofit. I am not a doctor or medical expert so any medical references which may not make sense, I apologise. This is a work of fiction and I do not condone violence against woman at all. Apologies for any spelling mistakes. Enjoy!
Contains violence, sex and strangulation.

lieutenant Ayala joined the Marquis early on in the Marquis fight against the cardassians. Partially for believing in doing the right things but also to help him satisfy his inner. Wether it was beating someone to death, strangling someone or raping female POW’s. For the most part, this depraved part of him was satisfied during the war and helped him integrate into Society as a ‘normal’ person. That all changed when he found himself in the Delta quadrant on Voyager. No more fighting and satisfying his inner daemons. Eventually the doctor helped him suppress this ugly side of himself and after awhile, he even forgot about it. That all changed when the Srivani had preformed their experiments on the voyager crew. (Scientific Method Star Trek: Voyager, S4E7) It had been two weeks since then and even though The Doctor had restored and remove the various devices and DNA imprints from the crew, sever crew members had yet to return to normal. Whilst most of the side effects were mild for most of the affected crew, lieutenant Ayala’s demon had been awakened. Even though the scans revealed nothing different, Ayala started showing extreme anger and hostilities to other crew members for the most minor of inconveniences. The doctor was on his way to collect him from the brig again, this was the fourth altercation in two weeks. While the other three incidents had been minor scuffles with a punch or two thrown, this latest incident had been far more serious. Ayala had been in the mess hall when a female crew member accidentally bumped into him. With out warning, Ayala had grabbed the crew member, thrown her on to a table and started to strangle her. It took three people to get him off the crew member and a Volcan nerve pinch by Commander Tuvok (who happened to be there) to subdue him.

The doctor entered the brig and administered a hypospray with a sedative to calm the Lieutenant and escorted him back to sickbay to run more tests. On a bio bed in sickbay, the doctor explained to him the situation. “Unfortunately Lieutenant, the treatment we came up with four years ago to calm your ‘dark side’ is not longer working and I am afraid I am at a lose as to why. All your test have come back as all good but your ‘impulses’ continue and I am afraid that the next altercation may result in someone’s death. The captain has explained to me that if the situation does not improve immediately, she will have to confine you to quarters and have escorted at all times by a security member for the crews safety. As I am still unsure as to why you continue to have these outbursts you have two choices. One, you accept the captain’s conditions and be chaperoned until I find a cure or two, a more radical and unorthodox approach.”
Thinking about this for a moment, Ayala did not fancy being confined and escort for the foreseeable future so he asked the doctor what the ‘radical approach was. ‘Using the holodeck to acted out you aggression’ the doctor explained. A puzzled look came over the lieutenant face. ‘Acted out my aggression’ he said, ‘I’ve tried the boxing simulation before and they didn’t work, even ones I created to reenact battles we fought didn’t do it for me’. The doctor looked at him and said ‘ Not quite the scenarios I was talking about. I was thinking of the more ‘primal’ urges scenario’. ‘Ow’ replied Ayala. ‘But I will leave the details up to you’ the doctor quickly added. ‘Go back to your quarters and work something out, run your program and report back to me the following day to see how you go. Dismissed’

Ayala had been thinking for several days as what scenario to act out in the holodeck. After some trial and error, he made his program and went to the holodeck. It was his for the night and his program information entered. As Ayala entered, he hoped this worked.

He was standing outside a house on a back street in a small quiet town back on earth in the early 21st century. Dressed completely in black, he melted into the nigh. Rays of moonlight appeared every now and then as the clouds moved allowing him to just see his target, a small house. As he crept quietly up to the house, he could see a single light on coming through the curtains of the lounge room. A single occupant was in front of the TV doing yoga. She was even more stunning then he had imagined. A blonde bombshell doing her yoga poses in front of the TV.

Bending down touching her toes, Ayala could see she did have any underwater on under her yoga pants and the defined outline of her arse leading down into a camel toe. He was getting aroused just standing there but realised he was there for more. Heading to the front door, he silently opened it and snuck in. Walking quietly towards the lounge room, he pulled out the garrotte from his pocket and wrapped it around both hands. As he entered the lounge room, the girl was finishing off her poses and was getting ready to turn in for the night. As she reached for the remote, Ayala made his more. He quickly rapped the garrotte around her neck and pushed her against the wall pinned her. She could not move as he was too strong for her, the only noise escaping her mouth was a low gargle. The girl was trying to fight back whilst desperately trying to relive the pressure from her neck to allow herself to breath. As Ayala pulled tighter, the garrotte went deep into her neck and soon she she started to fade. The kicking and clawing at her neck eventually lead to some involuntary twitches until she was unconscious pinned against the wall. He knew he could kill her right there by keeping up the pressure but had had a lot more installed for this poor girl. He slung her over his shoulder and carried her into her bedroom, dropped her onto her bed and viewed her in all her beauty.

Ayala climbed on to the bed and mounted the unconscious girl running his hands up and down her sexy shaped body. ‘Wow!’ He thought to himself, the computer had created her perfectly. She really was a very sexy slut. ‘Time to have some fun with you’ he said out loud. He ripped open the girls top to reveal her magnificent and firm tits and started groping and kissing them. ‘Mmm’ a small moan came from the girl which made Ayala smile to himself. He started to suck each nipple causing them to become even more firm whilst his other hand headed down towards her crotch. He started off slowly rubbing his hand over her groin slowly going faster. He started to kiss her passionately while still playing with her tits then slid his hand under her pants. She was starting to get wet and her moans were getting louder and she was starting to move. He was rubbing his hand faster now causing her lady juices to start flowing more. Alternating between kissing the poor girl and playing with her tits, he didn’t stop rubbing her pussy until he thought she was about to come. He stoped suddenly depriving her of an orgasm and she started to stir. He removed his clothes and reached down ripping open her pants revealing her perfectly smooth pussy still wet from before. He slide his cock into her and start thrusting hard causing the young girls eyes to fly open. In an instant, Ayala throw both hands around her neck and pushed down. She was now being strangled on her bed whilst being fucked with her eyes wide starting into Ayala’s eyes with disbelief.

She could not scream or yell, the only sound was the occasional moan or Urggg sound. Legs kicking, hands desperately trying to push him off her and her bucking underneath caused Ayala just to fuck her harder and tighten his grip. ‘Ow fuck yes’ Ayala thought. Her tits were bouncing up and down with each thrust, her face was reddening and black spots started to encroach into her view. ‘Arggg errk’ gargling orgasmic sounds come from her as her pussy clamped tight around his cock now. Her eyes stare directly into his silently pleading for him to stop but she was struggling to focus as her vision stared to blur, her lips now are purple which complement her deep red face. Her body is now shaking uncontrollably now! agggg erkkkk sounds came out of her throat as he squeezed tighter and tighter as her pussy become even tighter. Her struggles started to lessen while the spots in her vision become bigger. Her movement became less and less but Ayala didn’t let up. Alomost gone, her mouth was just opening every now and then try to get any oxygen, her eyes still locked with his. As the movements became just the odd twitch Ayala looked at her face wanting to remember this beautiful site. With one final thrust, Ayala came in her with a all mighty grunt and a finall squeeze oh her neck. When he open his eyes, she was gone, left with just a blank stare. Ayala rolled off her and collapsed neck to her exhausted and breathing hard. Looking over at the dead girl next to him, he marved at what a beautiful site she was. Now this was the type of therapy he liked! He might even have to do it again soon.
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