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Group Member Aug 30th 2017
After a long and stressful week at work, a girlfriend and I decided to get away from it all and enjoy a weekend at country spa. We booked our accommodation online and the Saturday morning drove out into the country for our weekend getaway and relaxation.
Upon arrival we signed in and had to sign a disclaimer form about not suing the spa owners for injury. Without reading we both signed it. We rushed to our rooms to drop off our bags and go for a massage.
After a day off relaxing and pampering. A fantastic dinner, we headed to our rooms to sleep in the deep comfortable beds.
Awoke the next morning, naked and laying on the floor of a cold steel cage. With my friend in a cage next to me. Screaming to be let out, a doctor soon came in with his clipboard. Before I could protest, he asked if I had signed this form, seeing it was the disclaimer form I nodded. "Well then you have signed your rights to the hucow spa, it now owns you until it decides to release you from your contact"
With that said and done, he called in 2 assistants, who roughly dragged me out of my cage and strapped me to a table. They did the same to my friend. She awoke on the table straining to free herself.
I cried out to her to calm down and that we had screwed up. The doctor was placing a IV drip in me and said "don't worry, we measured and weighed both of you while you were asleep. We have the right dosages of drugs for you both" we lay on the tables for a week, the only time we saw another person, was when a fresh IV was given to us.
When we were finally unrestrained from the table, with assistance we were walked over to the scales and weighed. The doctor marking down the results muttering "good good you can take them both to the next section".
We were taken to a padded room with 2 beds and a shower. My friend commented "my boob's are sore and I feel funny in the stomach" I felt the same. When a doctor finally came and saw us, he went through his legal speech "as property of the hucow spa, we reserve the legal right to use experimental drugs on you, to make you better livestock. You may notice over the coming weeks leaking from breasts and other changes to your bodies , but don't worry this is all part of our genetic research"
As the days went by, we both started to leak milk from our breasts and they had firm and enlarged. I had noticed 2 small lumps begin to form under my breasts, my friend had a lump on her tailbone.
We were examined and weighed at the end of the week. "The drugs work differently on everyone, looks like a new pair of breasts are forming there and a tail there. We found out from earlier test subjects, that the stockier the woman the better the results"
We both ask "is it reversible"
"Oh no once the changes start it is permanent, but don't worry you will be leaving here soon and be moved to the farm"
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Group Member Nov 15th 2017
We were kept locked in our little room, with no idea how long we had been there. We only knew meals were delivered regularly and always the same grains and vegetables. The only people we saw were the doctor and the assistants, as they inspected us.
We were noticing small changes to ourselves such as the skin on our legs was becoming leathery and had started to change color with fine coarse hairs appearing. My second set of breasts had fully developed and were now also leaking milk.
We were both finding our feet hurt when we were standing up or pacing the room to much. When the doctor next saw us, we mentioned that our feet were causing us discomfort. He inspected our feet and legs and then began writing down notes and muttering to the assistants of which I only caught a few words *stage 3* *critical determining* *bone structure transformation*
My mind was to busy trying to work out what it all meant, I barely felt the jab of the needle in my thigh. I was quickly feeling drowsy and everything went dark.
When I awoke next I was securely strapped to a cold metal table with a IV in my arm. I saw one of the assistants looking down on me smiling "so you finally decided to wake up". "I'll tell the doctor you are awake"
I frantically trying looking around the room once he leaves, but I am alone and no sign of my friend. As the doctor walks "sorry about having to drug you there, but it was for your own safety and well-being, as the transformation you just underwent is extremely painful and distressing. We are going to remove the restraints now, try not to move to quickly as you have been sedated for 6 weeks now and you will have to get used to the changes to your body"
As I slowly sit up first thing I notice is I now have a third pair of breasts. Then I notice I can't fully straighten my legs, they are permanently slightly bent at the knee, then looking down where my feet should be all I see is a pair of hooves. I look up at the doctor with a concerned look on my face, he simply says "don't worry too much about the changes, you will quickly get used to them."
As he gets ready to walk out "oh, as to your friend, she will be moved to another section to our facility. As I said when you first arrived, we get different changes depending on the genetic makeup of the person. You may see her again, depends on her transformation"
I looked at him shocked at the way he said it as if she didn't matter.
"Don't worry you will soon be moved to the farm and put to work as a milker, your friend if she is lucky will go into our breeding program, if not I'm afraid to say once her transformation is complete and nothing human remains, she will be fattened up and sent to the slaughter house"
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Group Member Nov 21st 2017
I was assisted slowly to my feet and given support as I gained my balance, as soon as I was steady I was left to stand on my own. I soon gained confidence to take my first steps. Unsteady at first but the assistants were quick to support and rebalance me. I was soon walking on my own, at first the clip-clopping of my steps against the hard floor surprised me.
The doctor laughed "this one's a natural cow, show her to her room"
One of the assistants lead down long passageways, until we reached a gate. With a swipe of his card the gate buzzed open and we entered a small room with elevator doors. With another swipe of his card the elevator opened. From the movement of the elevator I could feel we were going up and quite a distance up. As the doors slide open, I was greeted with the warmth and brightness of the sun. I didn't want to move as it was the first time in a long time I had felt it. With a gentle shove, he pushed me along down another passageway with window after window along it.
I was afraid it was going to only for this walk I would be seeing the outside world.
We soon arrived at my room, once the door opened I delighted to see I now had a small window to look out. The assistant said "you will be getting a new roommate in the next few days"
The view of the outside for the first time had reminded me I was naked "when do I get something to wear" I asked
"Cows don't wear clothes you silly thing" he laughed his reply.
As he closed the door and left me alone, I noticed I also had a floor to ceiling mirror. This was the first time I had actually seen the full reflection of myself in so long. I studied my reflection in depth, face was a little bit longer, ears were bigger and looked like a cows. My hips and thighs were wider I definitely looked like a cow.
4 days later my new roommate arrived sobbing. Inbetween her sobs I was able to find out from her, she had came to the spa with 3 other friends and hadn't seen any of them since being drugged for the last change. I gave her a quick look over and noticed instead of growing extra breasts, she had an actual udder with 4 long tits from it. I tried to reassure her she might see them again soon, she just shook her head.
The next day 2 new assistants came to collect us from our room. Through another set of security doors we entered a barn with another doctor waiting for us. Next to him was a line of strange looking seats/tables with heavy lids on them. We were helped position ourselves onto the seats and bent over the table, securely strapped in place before the lid enclosed us. Only our heads and rears were exposed. I felt a cold gel being rubbed around my pussy. I could hear something large being brought into the barn. I could hear heavy snorting and grunting behind me, but unable to turn my head to see what it was.. the next moment something heavy landed on my lid with a thud that I thought I was going to be crushed. I then screamed as something large forced its way into my pussy. Whatever it was grunting heavily as it was thrust in and out of my pussy. My roommate was screaming as the same was happening to her, I managed to turn my head just enough to get a glimpse of what was happening to her. To my shock she was being mounted by a real bull, just as I was about to scream in terror the bull grunted again as it's hot cum exploded deep inside me. My scream turned to a moan, as it dismounted, I was left muttering " oh fuck, oh shit" as the excess cum slowly started to dribble from my pussy
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Group Member Nov 26th 2017
As the lid on us was being opened, the doctor stood in front of us "OK my 2 little cows, for the next 5 days you'll be coming here once a day for the same treatment. We need to get you both bred, to get the maximum milk production from you"
As the lid was removed from my roommate and she was unrestrained. She slowly stood up, the moment the assistant was close enough, she kicked him with her hooved foot sending him crashing to the ground in agony. She ran for the open door, she disappeared through the door into the open sky. Alarms were going off, I stayed where I was not wanting to move, even though I unrestrained as well.
A few minutes later 7 quad bikes entered the barn, 1 of which was dragging my roommate across the ground by her feet. The rider approached the doctor "we got her Doc, had to tazer her several times. Now what do want to do with her?"
Doctor replied " we have invested to much time and effort so far on her, just to dispose of" rubbing his chin "tell you what, take her to the security squad room for a few days, try and pacify her and have fun with her. Don't damage the udders or kill her just yet"
The security guard looked over to me "what about that one Doc, you want us discipline it"
"No, this one is well behaved, didn't even move." He replied
" OK you 2 can escort this one back to her room with me. You 2 help him to medical, the rest of you can take of that one for now" he ordered.
It was a quiet walk back to my room with the doctor and 2 security guards. The guards were ready to attack at the slightest wrong movement from me. At my door the said "now we only have one cow and two bulls , you'll be going for treatment twice a day, can't have a agitated bull".
I shivered with fright and excitement at the thought of being used by a bull twice a day, as my pussy was still dribbling excess cum and tingling from the pounding.
Early the next day I was dragged out of my room and escorted to the barn. Where once again I was restrained in place and used by a bull, before being taken back to my room. I was allowed to eat and get cleaned up before being taken again. For the next 5 days I was fucked senseless by 2 bulls
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