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MY HORMONES DRIVING ME CRAZY Forum   Women´s erogenous zones

Group Member Jun 3rd 2019
The erogenous zones are those sensitive areas on the body that cause sexual arousal when are touched, and when they are stimulated may excite a woman (or a man) and generate a very intense sexual response.

You shouldn’t jump from one area to the other, it is better to stimulate them individually within the erotic games. A good idea to discover the more sensitive zones of a woman's body is to give her a sensual massage, preparing a pleasant atmosphere and exploring without hurries each centimetre of her skin. Discovering these areas is more fun that learning from a text; and besides, not everybody experience these stimuli in the same way

But the stimulation of the erogenous zones is not only a game before the penetration; you should stimulate those areas during the penetration, to increase the intensity of her orgasms, and after the penetration, in order to make her feel at ease, relaxed and preparing her slowly for a second penetration.

Some of the erogenous zones do not work well in a cold temperature, some previous stimulation is necessary to increase the blood flow in capillaries below the skin and in doing that they become really sensitive.

The head and the neck.

Although it sounds a little stupid and snobbish, the woman's principal erogenous point is in her mind and the form to stimulate it it’s to make her laugh, that way she feels comfortable and desired.

A massage in her scalp with the fingertips is a good way to begin. It is not erotic, but yet it is very relaxing.

The nape of the neck is supersensitive to caresses and kisses, especially the hairline, and it responds very well to fingertip rubbing, soft kissing or licking with the tongue's tip.

The rear of the ears is sensitive, especially in the beginning and in the border outside. Also the ear's lobe is supersensitive and it can be sucked or nibbling. Whispering to her ear flirtatious or naughty remarks can increase her excitation. Telling her how beautiful she is, how much she turns you on…

The area where the carotid artery underlies is of a high sensitivity, so it will be necessary to imitate Dracula, kissing and nibbling the neck, getting down to the clavicle fossa, which is also very sensitive.

The cheeks and the cheekbones have some sensibility to the caresses, but the strongest point is the mouth. There are many types of kisses, and not only are the lips sensitive but also the inside of the mouth. But the more sensitive zone is the Cupid’s bow; it is easy to nibble it softly or to grate on it with the fingers or tongue's tip.

The back.

In addition to the typical shoulder’s massage, you can stimulate the entire spine by softly digging and pulling whilst you are moving down the spine. But the more sensitive areas to the caresses are the one between the shoulder blades and the lumbar spine, just before the sacrum.

On the sacrum, the area between the ass' cheeks it’s an especial point, but if too much pressure is applied, it provokes a disagreeable sensation. The best way to stimulate it is passing one finger alongside the butt crack.

The bosom and the abdomen.

Giving little kisses from the chin down to the clavicles, usually works nicely as foreplay, letting her know that next will be her breasts, increasing her desire and preparing her mentally. This effect of anticipation can be obtained in almost any part of the body, delaying caresses, moving slowly towards a sensitive zone and when it looks like you are reaching it, you turn back. The same effect can also be obtained using the appropriate language.

In the middle of an intense excitation, whatever you say to her has almost an hypnotic effect, your words reach directly her mind, as soon as you can, start whispering how much you want to touch her, how much you like that part of her body ...

The breasts are extremely sensitive and it can be forgotten that a woman can have orgasms with the only stimulation of her breasts. Almost everything is allowed with the breast: caressing, amassing, pinching, soft bites, kissing, sucking ... Only be careful not to use too much pressure, because the only thing that she will get is a sharp pain, equivalent to a kick in the testicles.

The more sensitive zones of the breasts are the nipples and the breast's base, mostly near the armpit. You can ascend from the base making spirals with your finger to the nipple and start rubbing it in circles or licking it. Another thing you could do is to suck the nipples until they get completely hard and sensitive, and when they are still wet from your saliva, blow over them, which make her trembling with pleasure.

There is a light sensitivity on the armpits and on the sides, only is necessary to be careful with tickles, as it is alongside the line that goes down from the breasts to the belly button.

The zone in the form of half moon that it is below the navel is special but most people ignore it. That entire zone reacts very well to stimulation, all over the line of the elastic band of the panties. Passing a finger lifting up the elastic can make her vibrate, because the natural sensibility of the zone increases when releasing the pressure of the elastic, and also the effect of anticipation for the proximity of the pubis.

Arms and legs.

The arms perhaps area less sensitive part, but you can always go down to the hands giving little kisses whilst descending alongside the internal part of the arm, delaying for some moments at the ulna's cavity and arriving slowly to the palm of the hand. The hand is a very important erogenous zone, but we are accustomed to use it to touch softly and this is very exciting. But not many people let that their hands be the ones receiving the caresses. The palm of the hand and the fingers are supersensitive, silly games can be played, going over the hand's lines, giving little bites or sucking fingers.

It is a good idea to go over the arm from the hand to the shoulder to finally end up on the bosom.

It is not necessary to follow a plan when playing. One can return to the same zone several times, or stimulate several zones at the same time or the same one in several different forms.

Some people have a foot fetish; but the truth is that the feet have little sensibility, and it is concentrated on the foot’s arch and on the big toe. Giving a soft massage to these areas can be a relaxing and fun game. It is necessary to ascend, pressing softly, from the inside of the foot to the big toe, always in ascending direction. One can play with the toes, the same way as with the fingers. The articulations of the fingers and toes must be massaged in circles, changing the direction of turning each few movements.

The internal side of the thighs is a very especial zone, it responds very well to all type of stimulation. When a woman is turned on, the inside of the thighs becomes supersensitive and the flow of blood produces a curious effect. Most of the flow of the capillaries goes to the internal side of the thighs, which increases the temperature, while the external side gets cooler.

Also, its proximity to the genitals makes them an excellent playground.

For example, before tonguing the vagina, thighs can be kissed while we slowly approach the pussy leaving a wet trail of saliva.

You can face her on your knees and separate her legs when she is really excited, and then putting your hands on her knees and slowly ascending towards her thighs, while you are kissing her shoulders or her neck.

Getting closer to her groin, and when she thinks you are about to reach her pussy lips, get back to the knees, and repeat over and over again until she gets impatient because she is desperate to get her pussy played with. But be careful to not overdo it or she will get bored and will reject your advances.

The inside of the thighs can be stimulated in many ways, it is necessary to use the imagination. Caressing up and down, in circles, massaging very gently.

Genitals and vicinity.

You have just to go up the thigh, and with one hand making a C form with your index and your thump, encircle the vagina lips; that allows you to touch the four key areas one-handed. The thumb may touch the pubis softly and the clitoris, while the index and middle fingers make circles on the perineum. Also the hand's edge presses softly the groin and the exterior of the vaginal labia and the inside of the thigh massages the palm of the hand.

Many men make a mistake when they masturbate a woman. They do it mechanically and very fast, concentrating around the clitoris only. They masturbate a woman as they would do it themselves. Once again, it is necessary to take your time and use the imagination to explore all the possibilities.

A little trick: before going straight to the clitoris, you could use the tip of two fingers to massage the area 1 or 2 centimetres above the clitoris. Do it from top to bottom, reaching the clitoris's root. You will manage to push an extra flow of blood to the clitoris and it will swell and will come out of its hood becoming hypersensitive.

Another interesting way of stimulating the clitoris is to use the articulation that joins the thumb to the hand; it has a bigger surface than the fingers and also has a bigger mobility. On top of rubbing up and down or in circles, this way you can make a pendular movement with the wrist, something like a wave where the pressure on the clitoris varies constantly. Also, using the thumb's articulation sets free the fingers of the same hand at a perfect position to explore the vaginal labia and caress the entrance of the vagina as the same time as the clitoris, and in addition lets the other hand free to go and stimulate other parts of the body.

You can also tap the clitoris tip with one of your fingers, just like as you were sending a message in Morse code. This technique needs to be done correctly or it will cause discomfort or even pain if too much pressure is used or it is done for a long period.

Remember to be creative no matter the way you use to stimulate the clitoris, don’t be repetitive and change the rhythm and the strokes as much as it is needed. Surprise the woman and don’t let her guess what it is coming next.

The vaginal labia and the vagina's entrance are sensitive but no as much as the clitoris. It is necessary to fidget with them, use your fingertips to separate them slightly and next open it completely to explore each crease

Put pressure on the vagina's entrance as if you want to penetrate it but without doing it, only to introduce well the fingertip and to move it in circles, spreading the vaginal fluid and using it like lubricant.

The G-Spot can be found anteriorly (the roof of vagina) and depending on one’s G-Spot anatomy, it will be found in different locations. The majority of women will find their G-Spots right beyond their vaginal entrances, but the rest will find it either mid-way or further back by the cervix. The best way to stimulate it is penetrating from behind, spooning: in a foetal position with the man embracing the woman from behind. This position makes the penis to enter the vagina in a very oblique angle, rubbing intensely against the G spot and leaving free the hands to touch the clitoris at the same time.

You can also introduce two fingers in the vagina to stimulate the G spot directly, lubricating them well not to cause tears to happen. Introducing only the two first phalanges, the fingertips will be left on the proximity of the area. The G spot is a slight bulkiness of half centimetre of diameter, the problem is that it’s like playing hide-and-seek; it only emerges when one is touched directly; if you rub it too fast, it remains flat, and if you find it and stop touching it, it also disappears.

The best thing to do is a rotating movement with the fingertips, with the woman giving you directions, because in many women the G point is not centred, it can be found up to a centimetre to the left or to the right.

This technique can make feel some women uncomfortable not only because they may not like to be penetrated with the fingers but also because pressing the G spot can stimulate the bladder and give them the urge to urinate. The latest can be solved emptying the bladder before starting playing with the G spot.

Stimulating the clitoris and the G point at the same time will ensure an intense chain of consecutive orgasms. The best way to achieve this is touching the G spot with the fingers while you suck and tongue the clitoris.

The perineum is the no man's land; it is that area between the vagina and the ass, and that does not belong to either of them. Most people do not know the sensibility of the perineum. Pressing it with circular movements brings a very intense sensation.

The anus is very sensitive, but its stimulation can be uncomfortable for a lot of people. I would recommend to ask her first if she likes it, or approach it slowly so she has the opportunity to say no before she finds a finger up in her ass, and you get slapped in the face.

It has to be stimulated with the fingertips, in circles, but without introducing any finger.

And finally, you get the rimming or black kiss for the more daring.
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