
Princess ChokeMe
Gender Woman
Relationship It's a secret
Location U.S.
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: Rough
Joined: Jul 22nd, 2010
Last Seen: 1d ago
Uploads: 35
Upload Views: 104,850
Profile Views: 70,978
Favorited: 438
Friend Count: 91
Subscribers: 845
Board Posts: 0
Board Points: 0
*Original Motherless Girl*

I cuss like a sailor, work my ass off and I like to, scratch that... I LOVE to fuck! I'm into a lot of things and pretty open to most anything. I'm pretty chilaxed and really like to hang out and have fun other than the fuckery ;) I've always been a "one of the guys" kind of girl and love to play sports, go mudd'N and 4Wheel'N and get dirty and kick some ass!

Disclaimer: I'm not into bestiality or family fucking of any sorts (no I don't have daddy issues)

If you have any questions feel free to ask but know that if you're a creeper I will not give you the time of day. I'm pretty real and blunt, don't make me hurt your feelings :)

~Princess ChokeMe

ChokeMeSideWays's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years

ChokeMeSideWays's Comments

12 Dec 2011 ChokeMeSideWays commented
I love it darlin!!! Your gorgeous :)
08 Dec 2011 ChokeMeSideWays commented
Sorry, my phones been being stupid lately and its hard to type on it and I've been kinda not in the mood to talk to anyone and such.
08 Dec 2011 ChokeMeSideWays commented
28 Aug 2011 ChokeMeSideWays commented
Girl in the pic is me hey thanks :P


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