
Go Ahead She Isn't Looking!
Gender Woman
Relationship It's a secret
Location Motherless dungeon
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2017
Last Seen: Oct 1st 2018
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Profile Views: 1,561
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Friend Count: 31
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Board Posts: 7
Board Points: 5
I Kind of came here because of my sleep fetish, talked a lot people who encouraged me to embrace it and not feel ashamed or weirded out by my sleep fetish, I met a couple of girls who were into it, some were like me and other were really into it... And I've been on both ends of it lol. I have had some memorable nights and have some stories that are too inappropriate even for this site to post publicly but we can talk about it in my inbox lol well now I'm 28 engaged and with a baby on the way, I guess I'm just here to discuss some stories that I've never told anyone before I close this chapter of my life and start a new one with my future family.

Kayliekay90's achievements 2

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