
Still in HS nd got my mom preg
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Seattle washington
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Incest
Joined: Jun 22nd, 2015
Last Seen: Jul 4th 2015
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I'm still in high school, and 20 days ago(June 2nd 2015), I officially lost my virginity at 334 am. Was sleeping in bed like I do every night. I kinda half woke up to go pee and got back in bed. I started having a wet dream(my second one ever). I could hear myself moaning, when I finally realized my mom was the girl in my dream. I felt myself cumming and I woke up to my actual damn mom sitting on my dick. Only to than realize that my dad watched the entire thing happen. My mom @stephanieelder and I got kicked out and ended up in a tiny motel for over a week. My moms 56 and somehow I got her pregnant. She is 17 days along now, we're both back at my dads. Although me and mom kicked him out of his own room so we could sleep together haha. Since I turned 9 and figured out that girls were good, I've been 100% fixated on my mom every single day since than. I love her more than life itself, and I really hope she's the last woman I'll ever touch or see naked.

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