
I am a puddle bringer
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Santa Cruz Ca.
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Spanking
Joined: Dec 14th, 2016
Last Seen: Dec 14th 2016
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I'm a simple guy really... blue jeans, tennis shoes, no gold jewelry, no bad atershave. No real ego in what I do. I am a devoted vagina eater. There's two qualities I love about women; an incredible sense of humor, and the ability to fuck like an animal. If you've found something more effective let me know. Yes I'm honest and sweet and all those goopy things but you had better watch your back side cause I am a straight up Dom.

To be honest, I'm not into the the slave thing. I don't need a human foot stool or a or a 24/7 ball petter, but if you want to make some coffee i'll pinch your nipples and give you a kiss.

I'm from Santa Cruz, ... I'll balance that by saying I'm a retired CEO with a 50 acre ranch. Who's your Daddy now?

If the most powerful thing in your love arsenal is a closet full of high heel shoes, get off my lawn. If you're a mistress with a strap on, find a pretty boy. If you have a testicle hanging out of your panties, you haven't read my profile.

If you're a clever monkey with a lean toward submissive, feel free to pull my tail and see what happens.
My Ideal Person A sub. Ranch living with privacy must be on your 'like' list because I'm sure as hell not moving.

baron19's achievements 2

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