
submissive white male
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Greenville, SC
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: May 4th, 2015
Last Seen: Oct 3rd 2015
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For your consideration, i present myself as a masculine, self-confident gentleman who harbors a latent desire to serve as a uniformed sissy maid for an intelligent and professional Lady of a certain age.

Ideally, i am attracted to intelligent and refined women who exhibit sophistication, class and eloquence in their social lives, while maintaining strict resolute authority behind closed doors.

Professionally, i travel throughout the USA but, primarily in the Midwest, East and Southern states as an expedite freight forwarding owner/operator-driver. Although I am a homeowner, most of my time is spent on the road, making me somewhat of a gypsy nomad. My future plans are to relocate to Greenville, SC, which will allow me far more home time while opening a new chapter in my life.

Here are a few adjectives that best describe myself: lifetime bachelor sans dependents, college educated, hard working and self-employed, a home owner and fastidious housekeeper, articulate and refined, passionate, courageous and protective, honorable, loyal and dependable; spiritual but not religious, comfortable in jeans or a suit. Interested in antiques, history, politics, motorcycles, scuba and the outdoors. Lastly, i am bondable and do not have a criminal record, i am also HIV/STD negative. This being said, You should know that i am adept at performing all manner of menial tasks, from yard work to light/heavy house keeping duties, e.g. washing, ironing and folding, personal shopping and giving manicures/pedicures and long relaxing foot & body massages. Anything else would depend upon Your personal needs, as i am quite capable of learning and fitting in wherever i can.

In summary, i wish to become the property of one authoritative Lifestyle Female Supremacist who will immerse me in the depth and dynamic that only true unconditional surrender can bring.

Carpe Diem

slavoholic's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

slavoholic's Comments

03 Oct 2015 slavoholic commented
Such a tiny amount of poo-poo.
05 Sep 2015 slavoholic commented
That's it? Three people shit in a toilet and that's all they produced? Show EAGERNESS Damnit! Chew! Swallow! LOL


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