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12,875 Views44 Favorites05 Oct 2013


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


10 May 2024
The Cutsow 2000 machine is one of 5 machines at the Anderson Female Human Cattle Slaughterhouse operating 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Every 10 seconds, each of these machines uses special shears to cut off one head of a female human cattle. The capacity of these 5 machines is 30 Huts per minute, 1,800 Huts per hour, 14,400 per day, 288,000 per month. Fortunately, there is a breeding reserve near the slaughterhouse, where several dozen (53 million) women live who are bred for meat.


27 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Glücklicherweise weiß jedes dieser Weibchen, wie viele Kilogramm Fleisch und Innereien (Därme) sie nach der Schlachtung von ihr erhalten und was mit den ungenießbaren Überresten passiert.


27 Apr 2024
@Adix1602 dann weiß ich nun Bescheid 😉 wobei als ich früher beim Hausschlachten immer zugeguckt hatte, da war nichts Abfall gewesen. Was der Mensch nicht wollte, wurde einfach zu Hundefutter verarbeitet. Der Rolf (Schäferhund) hat damals allen scheiß gefressen 😈


27 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Wenn eine fortgeschrittene Trächtigkeit festgestellt wird (der Fötus konnte außerhalb des Körpers der Mutter noch überleben), wird die Schlachtung bis zur Entbindung verschoben (das Weibchen wird unmittelbar nach der Genesung des Weibchens (normalerweise nach 7 Tagen) geschlachtet).
Wenn der Fötus beschädigt ist oder eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit des Weibchens darstellt, wird eine Abtreibung durchgeführt (das Weibchen wird 7 Tage nach dem Eingriff geschlachtet).


27 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Wenn die Trächtigkeit nach 3 Monaten bestätigt wird, aber bevor der Fötus außerhalb des Körpers der Mutter überleben konnte, kann es bei weiblichen Rindern zu Folgendem kommen:
1) sich einer Abtreibung unterziehen und innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach dem Eingriff geschlachtet werden, oder
2) unmittelbar nach den notwendigen Vorbereitungen geschlachtet werden (der Fötus wird beim Ausweiden entfernt und zusammen mit ungenießbaren Körperteilen weiblicher Rinder entsorgt).


27 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Wenn festgestellt wird, dass ein weibliches menschliches Rind bis zu 3 Monate lang trächtig ist, wird es unmittelbar nach den erforderlichen Vorbereitungen geschlachtet (der Fötus wird beim Ausnehmen des Kadavers entfernt und zusammen mit dem Schlachtabfall [dem Gehirn eines Weibchens] entsorgt). menschliches Rind und andere zum Verzehr ungeeignete Körperteile]).


08 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Oh ja. Schon abartig, so an ner Laufkatze zu hängen und verarbeitet zu werden.


08 Apr 2024
@FBrantwein aber für das Nutzvieh, ihr Plan ging nicht auf... aber schon eine sehr geile Vorstellung so zu Enden. Vor allem weil gehofft wurde, auf die Art vielleicht weiter Leben zu dürfen. Da lassen sich einige geile Storys für das Kopfkino basteln


08 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Für den Beschäler war der Plan bestimmt nicht nutzlos. 😋


07 Apr 2024
@FBrantwein oh, die erste war sogar schwanger. Scheinbar kann ein nichts vor den Schlachter retten, wenn du an der Reihe bist, bist du einfach an der Reihe. Da war der Plan sich zur Rettung schwängern lassen einfach nutzlos 😈


07 Apr 2024
@Jessi_25 Nochmal zum Thema industrielles Schlachten. ;-)


18 Jan 2024
Sounds like a good business model. :-)


18 Jan 2024
The exception are female human cattle, which the Breeding Commission considered to already have a sufficient amount of bred meat of appropriate quality. They only spend an average of 3 to 14 days in a selected part of the barn, where they undergo mandatory sanitary inspections of their meat (48, 24 and 6 hours before slaughter, the last examination is done an hour before slaughter in the slaughterhouse), mandatory vaccinations and a 24-hour fast + intestinal cleaning before slaughter.


18 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein I know a guy who owns a large barn with 850 female cattle bred for meat. From time to time, female beef cattle (on average several to a dozen a month) considered as bred (having the appropriate weight [amount of meat] are sold to slaughterhouses. The breeding period is on average from 3 months to 5 years (depending on the variety of human cattle).


18 Jan 2024
@Adix1602 You don't work in agriculture by any chance? :-)


17 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein This is another caveat. Therefore, breeders (bred for meat or milk) are planning to either significantly increase the number of female human cattle or research to create a new variety of female human cattle (with greater height [at the withers], body length and width]), which would reduce the differences in meat production ( regarding milk production, the disproportions are much smaller, and sometimes even non-existent) between female human cattle (Meat Hucow) and cows (Cow


17 Jan 2024
@Adix1602 After all, they don't do so much manure.


17 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein Exactly.
By the way, one of the problems reported by producers and breeders of meat from female human cattle is the amount of meat obtained. While a standard female cow (Cow) can yield approximately 500 kilograms of meat after slaughter, a female human cattle (Meat Hucow) can only yield an average of 30 kilograms of meat after slaughter.


17 Jan 2024
@Adix1602 A nice interpretation of the topic. ;-)


16 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein On the day and place of slaughter of a female beef cattle, members of her family are present so that they can watch her slaughter (+ possible prior stunning), evisceration and cutting of her carcass into pieces). A female human beef cattle may (hanging upside down waiting for her throat to be cut/decapitated or stunned) make one last statement (including saying goodbye to her family/wishing that her meat tastes good/I am ready for slaughter/asking God for least painful deat


16 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein The more calm ones (about 98% of female beef cattle), waiting for a shot from a stun gun or hanging upside down in the slaughterhouse waiting for their throats to be cut (beheaded), breathe deeply, think about something pleasant, are cheerful and calm ( according to butchers' reports). However, every female human beef cattle dreams only that her meat tastes good on a plate/sandwich, that her slaughter is quick and efficient, and that she can die with dignity as slaughter ca


16 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein Thanks to this, the female human cattle themselves are not afraid of slaughter, they fully accept their fate and focus only on dying with dignity. The more fearful ones, when they are waiting for a shot from a stun gun or hanging upside down in the slaughterhouse waiting for their throat to be cut (beheaded), pray silently or in their thoughts, close their eyes, breathe quickly, sometimes even silent crying or tears can be heard flowing from the eyes.


16 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein Exactly. They are provided with the care of a veterinary team that prepares them physically for slaughter (vaccinations, 24-hour fast before slaughter + intestinal cleaning, sanitary examination of her body (meat) by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station 48, 24, 6 and 1 hour before slaughter), as well as mentally ( meetings with a slaughter chaplain, prayers, relaxation exercises, visits to the spa, swimming pool, good food, etc.).


15 Jan 2024
The place of slaughter is always an abattoir specifically designated for the slaughter of female human cattle only. The slaughter date is to be from 3 to 14 days from the date of issuance of the decision. Immediately after the decision is issued, the woman is transported to a pre-slaughter center, where she is to be mentally and physically prepared for slaughter.


15 Jan 2024
When the Breeding Commission states that the woman is completely healthy (nor is she pregnant, which by law postpones slaughter) and is ready for slaughter (she has been bred for meat/was considered unable to produce a sufficient amount of milk/she volunteered (appointed by the Breeding Commission), issues a decision on setting the date and place of slaughter of the woman. The woman cannot appeal against this decision because, according to the law, she is a farm animal.


15 Jan 2024
This method of slaughtering meaty female human cattle is the most humane. Other methods of slaughter, whether by cutting the throat of human cattle hanging upside down (after optional stunning [with electricity, carbon dioxide/nitrogen, shot from a stun gun), or by ritual slaughter, etc., cause the woman's death within usually several dozen seconds. , so they are almost equally humane.


15 Jan 2024
I am only a young 19 year old, but I know that I must be killed for meat, because I am a female human beef cattle that must die this way. I am as much a farm animal as a cow or a goat. I know I won't suffer because my head will be cut off during slaughter, only the shock of falling into the basket. Even though I am just a cattle destined for slaughter, I pray to God that I may die without fear or fear. God loves us female beef cattle as much as humans. "I'm ready for slaughter, Mr. Butcher."


15 Jan 2024
In her last words before slaughter she said:
"I hope my baby will be fine without me. I'm not afraid that my meat will taste good. My vet and the sanitary inspection commission told me that my meat was of excellent quality and that it would taste like veal. This unplanned pregnancy gave me an extra 4 months to live, but I knew I would not avoid slaughter. The Breeding Commission found me healthy and ordered me to report to the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered, so my fate was sealed.


15 Jan 2024
@Adix1602 Very humane. :-)


15 Jan 2024
The woman with the belly (already with the head cut off) gave birth to a child 5 days earlier. 2 days ago she was transported from the hospital straight to the slaughterhouse. After a mandatory 24-hour fast and an enema, as well as mandatory sanitary examination of her body (meat) by the Sanitary Inspectorate, she was slaughtered. 30 kilograms of meat, 2 kilograms of visceral lard and 9 kilograms of offal (guts) were obtained from it.


15 Jan 2024
However, if the pregnancy poses a threat to the woman's health and life, an abortion is performed first, and when the woman recovers, she is immediately sent to the slaughterhouse. However, if the woman is not in an advanced stage of pregnancy, she may either have an abortion (and be slaughtered within 7 days after the procedure) or be slaughtered while pregnant (the fetus is removed during evisceration).


15 Jan 2024
For those who wonder why one of the women (already headless) was pregnant during slaughter:
If the woman intended for slaughter is in an advanced stage of pregnancy (the fetus has the ability to survive outside the mother's body), her slaughter is postponed until the day of delivery (after giving birth, the woman is sent to the slaughterhouse within 7 days).


15 Jan 2024
@FBrantwein The slaughter process carried out in this way lasts only about 1 minute, thanks to which every woman who is to be slaughtered knows that she will practically not suffer during slaughter.


06 Nov 2023
I'd love to take a tour of a meat processing factory.


26 Sep 2023
Industrial slaughter of longpigs!


24 Jul 2023
A new method of slaughtering meat women:
A naked human cattle female with bound wrists and ankles hangs upside down attached to a conveyor belt, moving her towards mechanical shears which decapitate her head, causing her instant death. The head falls into the basket and its blood falls into a hollow drain in the floor. The decapitated body of a female human cattle is moved towards another machine which lasers open the belly and the butcher removes the entrails. The whole process takes 1 minute.