15 Nov 2012 6:32PM

I don't understand how anyone with any knowledge of economics, the flow of money, interest rates, the Fed, inflation, etc. could be a democrat. I definitely think Bush did some dumb things, but they were authorized by a democratic Senate. They voted to allow Bush to do what he thought was right after looking at the same info he had.
Do you libs think the pres controls everything? Who has control of the money? Its Congress. When did the economy go to shit? Right after the dems gained control of both houses in 2006. ffs they passed this healthcare bill without reading the damn thing. Who wrote it? I still don't know.
They passed the stimulus package without reading it. Who wrote it? 787 billion dollars spent on what? Its gone and we have a worse unemployment rate than we did before.
We will only suffer more if the government doesn't stop spending so much money. I'm not a republican I'm a conservative. Both parties are full of shit. Unfortunately the dems are more full of shit and you suckers buy it.
Obama lied his ass off about what happened in Libya. He blamed it on a stupid video on youtube. You think he wasn't watching that shit in real time? After he blamed it on the video all the sand niggers were like "a video slandering big Mo? Gotta watch that." Thats why all the other protests in the Middle East happened.
That stupid nigger lying to the whole world caused it all.
Why am I even typing. Thick headed idiot libs. You'll see. Another 4 years of this maggot and Pelosi and Reed and Durbin and the other full of shit fucksticks.
Oh about Plame. She was on the cover of a fucking magazine with her husband before she was 'outed'. Goddamn morons.

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15 Nov 2012 7:13PM

The fact that you end up calling Obama a "stupid nigger" just undermines your whole argument, you're already clouded by your ignorant hate to begin with. You're an idiot if you actually believe the reason the economy's in such a shit state isn't because of Bush and his republican advisers. If you do your research you'll discover that after 2009 and early 2010 with the stimulus, the spending has decreased. Here, let me just copy and paste some facts for you as to why this is the Bush administrations fault:
1. Deregulated Wall Street: It was a great time to be a Wall Street executive during the Bush administration. Sweeping financial deregulation helped build the housing bubble and allowed financial institutions to pursue risky trades unchecked. In fact, Bush eliminated the rules that allowed Wall Street to cause the financial crash that plunged the nation into the Great Recession.
2. Cut Taxes For The Wealthy: The Bush tax cuts � over 50 percent of which benefited the richest 5 percent of American taxpayers � cost about $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were enacted. Ten years later, Bush�s tax cuts are still the main driving factor of the national debt.
3. Ran Up A Tab On Two Wars: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the country trillions of dollars. Combined with Bush�s tax cuts, war spending was a main factor in blowing up the deficit and spending the surplus accumulated under Clinton. Lawmakers now use the deficit as an excuse for inaction.
4. Left Homeowners In A Lurch: While Bush was happy to help out the banks in the wake of the housing crisis, he did little to assist struggling homeowners. Hope For Homeowners, Bush�s proposal to assist those struggling with their mortgages, was a colossal failure; in its first six months, it helped just one homeowner renegotiate his mortgage. Many mortgage holders � 15.7 million or, one in three � are still underwater today.
5. Weakened Workers: Bush weakened worker safety regulations and collective bargaining rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor throughout his time in office. Today, corporations are back to making record profits, while workers� incomes are falling.

There, and don't reply with wah wah it wasn't Bush it was congress, like you'd say the same thing if Obama was in the same situation. No one is saying congress is innocent, but to actually think electing a similar administration with the same ideas that got us into this mess is a good plan, you're retarded. Fact is the economy is growing, albeit slowly, but go back and read any expert economists articles and they all agreed it would be a slow recovery, when you fuck the world economy up that badly, it doesn't get fixed in one term.
Regarding the whole Libya incident, "watching that shit in real time"? What? This wasn't the raid on Bin Laden, it was a terrorist attack. And no, the protests were going on before the incident at the embassy, I know because I watch the news and remember seeing them taking place in Egypt and other countries before the attack. Do I think Obama is lying to protect people in his administration that fucked up? Yea probably, that's what politicians do, but no retard, he didn't cause it all, and if you want to go there, then blame Bush and his administration for 9/11 as they apparently had information regarding a possible terrorist attack before it happened and did NOTHING. I do love how the republicans want to blame Obama for this, yet when people stated criticizing the p******** in Bush's term for 9/11, they called those people unpatriotic.
But basically, what this comes down to is you being a dumb racist, all your views are clouded by it, whatever happens, you see Obama as a stupid nigger, don't try to say that if Obama was a white man you'd treat him the same, fuck if Bush was black you definitely would not be defending him. It makes me laugh seeing you call him a "stupid nigger" when firstly he's almost as white as you are, apart from the color of the man's skin, he was practically raised as a white guy, he's a man who has achieved more than you ever will in your life with way more handicaps, is way more educated, intelligent and was more successful by age 30 than you could dream about, and I don't even think he's a great p********, but he's still way better than fucking Romney would have been and compared to Bush, he's Abe fucking Lincoln, and yes that's sad, but true.

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16 Nov 2012 3:06AM

1) Don't know where you copied this "fact" from, but Clinton was the one who in 1999, and 2000 signed 2 pieces of legislation that deregulated the banks which allowed the financial collapse of 2008.

2) Bush cut taxes for EVERYBODY. The rich benefited more because they PAY more. Revenues increased after the tax cuts, so please explain how it is the "main" factor in the debt, and not the fucking SPENDING.

3) I agree that the cost of 2 wars did add to the debt, but the urban legend that Clinton left a surplus is bullshit. The "surplus" was a projection made using the tax revenues during the height of the dot-com economy. That bubble burst before Clinton left office, and records show that the economy Bush inherited was in a recession.

4) Bush was halfway out the door when the housing bubble burst. He tried to avert it several times during his time in office, but was rebuffed by Barney Frank (D-MA)who as a ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee refused to relinquish oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If you were honest you would be bitching about the half-assed job his successor has done in this area.

5) Wow. Too bad there hasn't been a regulation loving Prezzy in office the last four years to fix all the "evil" shit that Bush did to the working man. Those "record profits" are sending the stock market through the roof. [sarc/]

Nobody on the right thinks Bush is without responsibility for the financial mess, but to blame it all on him is partisan bullshit. You would have to ignore the Democrat attempts to engineer social equality with programs like Carters Affordable Housing Act and Clintons banking deregulation and pressuring banks in the sub prime mess and Barney Franks refusal to properly oversee Fannie & Freddie.

The "fact" is that the economy is slowing not growing, and the truely sad thing is if Obama had done less, the economy would be better off than it is, but like FDR his "help" is just making things worse. The apologists will say Obama needs more time, that we knew it would be a slow process, you just hate Obama because your a racist, etc., etc. The true racists are the ones who hold Obama to a lesser standard than they would a white Prez. The truth is that if Obama were white, his ass would have been fired for incompetance.

So spin the lies about the economy and Bengazi, and all the other failings of this Prez, but at the end of his time in office, the only positive he will leave is that he broke the color barrier.

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16 Nov 2012 10:23AM

1. TRUE, Clinton created the prob, just took it 6 yrs to implode.

4. Bush got blamed by Obama for the downfall that happened halfway through his term which is when the DEMOCRATS took control of the the House and Senate.

Obama didn't ONLY break the color barrier, he broke and ruined the WHOLE country.

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