
Still searching
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Dec 8th, 2020
Last Seen: Feb 6th 2021
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I am a local model for art classes and bdsm/ happenings in Bremen. Nothing more, nothing less.
I am also an artist. I am not very active in the BDSM World. I did what i did for public sessions. I do not plan to proceed that as i have been abused pretty much on these occasions and every body has its limits. But as an artist, i will keep drawing such themes and maybe write about my experiences at BDSM happenings. I still partake at "harmless" erotic drawing sessions where i fuck with other models while being drawn though. But i keep these photos here as a walk down memory lane.

These photos are mostly done with studio lighting as the photographer who accompanied these sessions is a pro. In some the background is further darkened to protect personal rights of other people.
And yes, these photos are of me. Although genetics gave me only 1,75 cm Size they granted me a face that looks pretty young and a penis that can get pretty big. In some photos not published here i look like just out of school.

I am actually writing a novel about my time as a bdsm "Performer". I don´t know if anyone reads that.
I was wild anyways. I did not know anything about all that.
The first time i attended a session my "Domme" showed me the metal stocks and said "basically, what we will do is we will beat your nuts until they fit in here. And i bought the biggest one.", i thought she was kidding me.

Blackbox84's achievements 1

1 year


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