
Unfaithful Desires
Gender Woman
Relationship Married and not looking
Location Motherless dungeon
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Interracial
Joined: Jan 19th, 2020
Last Seen: May 11th 2020
Uploads: 346
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Profile Views: 2,833
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Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read my silly little bio. I'm a 30-something married woman in the US and simply here to have a bit of fun and explore interests that I don't dare share with another person in my daily life.

About the Mrs. Invisible thing - it has nothing to do with some superhero person! I would have so preferred Mrs. Inconspicuous but it was too many characters. They're close enough in meaning to serve my purpose though - unable to be seen, hidden; not attracting attention, concealed.

By all appearances, I'm just a typical woman who enjoys a middle-class existence in suburbia. I work in education and enjoy healthy and wholesome pursuits. I work to keep fit and guess I'm generally considered to be attractive despite great efforts to conceal my curvy body. Concealed - there's that word again!

I guess I work to keep both myself and my particular interests hidden from view. The main interest is listed as my favorite kink too, I think - interracial. Black men. It's simply a fantasy of mine, one that has grown quite strong. I've never cheated on my husband - the whitest man on this planet - and have no intention of doing so.

So I suppose that's where this little site comes into play :) I'm hoping to just explore around a bit and help satisfy an urge. I'll likely post a bunch of silly pictures - interracial cartoons, mostly. Mainly because it'll allow me to delete them from my laptop! I'd like to avoid that conversation if they were ever discovered :) I very much doubt I'll ever post any personal photos, but they won't be nudes if I do. Please don't ever ask for one either, noooo way I'm comfy enough to have something like that out on the internet. Thanks for reading!

Mrs_Invisible's achievements 1

1 year


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