
Go Ahead She Isn't Looking!
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location MASS
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Mature
Joined: Aug 23rd, 2012
Last Seen: Oct 5th 2022
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I'm 46 single dad of one who does not live in the same state. but we talk often. I enjoy anything with water. antiques, anything with a motor. I work as a service writer for a local dealership. about 60 hours a week. i want to know there is more to life than work and sleep. I can be kinky nothing to extreme i don't that's to fun but kinky is nice. I admit i have the libido of a 25 year old. i guess i should be lucky guys my age are dealing with E D and low T i have neither of those problems. I have a FUCKIT list aka bucket list. Hit me up if you want. cheers

PapaSmurf67's achievements 3

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