
Horny slut here looking for ..
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Columbus, OH
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Nothing Is Taboo
Favorite Porn: Incest
Joined: Feb 17th, 2012
Last Seen: Mar 25th 2012
Uploads: 1
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Friend Count: 12
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Board Points: 2
I am a normal guy who just happens to think taboo sex is the best sex, rather it be with family members, animals, guys on guys, girls on girls, anything out of the "normal" realm of sex.

I would love to find a bi female who is into incest willing to start our own incestious family here in my area. Also if you have a !! that would be even hotter.

It would also be awsome to find a true Transexual, a true Chick with a DIck, I don't and am not intrested in someone who throws on a dress and a wig and says "here I am" you must look like and act like a true woman (just have a dick) on the outside, and have a dick under that skirt. Someone who will fuck me.

Tony_the_Slut's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years

Tony_the_Slut's Comments

26 Mar 2012 Tony_the_Slut commented
what a better way to learn to suck cock so well do your own, DAMMMMMM this is hot


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