
Uninhibited passionn 4 connect
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Amateur
Joined: Aug 15th, 2020
Last Seen: 8h ago
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My story ? The book title of my story maybe would be, "Everyone Loves a Trainwreck" by W.K.
A life spent living with few boundaries in conjunction a sexual nature and passion ran by unbound and insatiable desires for connections..Connections that have created experiences that never will be forgotten... .. I really don't know.. I mean of course the hope is least for me that I can connect with someone on a level past sitting behind my phone or computer , at least it is for me, I love and live for experiencs that transcend past the senseless realm that I feel when watching videos. I've always felt as much as I love watching, and making porn, as I am just about as passionate with my photography as I am with sexual passion..
Watching sometimes, i am left with somewhat of a. How can I put it? ADesire that createddsomeone of the subtle agony.. I'm no Golden child of photography although I've always sensed a kid been taken in by what sometimes can lie beyond the very superficial first impression that a photograph can renter.. and wow that's a blessing and I wouldn't have it any other way I see some of these amazing videos and photos and it's almost as if I can almost feel and experienced what I see yet I'm a fingertip away from it at all times.. I'm just being metaphorical earbud it creates the desire that I must say is a motherfuker. Why do I have zero expectations I'd love to connect with some people on here and if anyone is we're has a passion for either being filmed or filming I could talk about it all day and I don't know photography is all charity based as I view my passion is something that is a sanctuary 4 some of the tough stuff I've had to deal with wow I was in the Army back in 2013 to 2017.. photography it's quite literally saved my life.. I say all of this to say I charge no fee and my non sexual photographing service I have provided you folks in the vanilla world I refuse payment and insist that they do knee if they feel they want to to a certain charity that I am very passionate about. I think anyone that connects with me will be just as lucky as I am to connect with them I'm an open book probably to my detriment forgive the rambling in all honesty which is something I am to a fault one disclosure that I have is I've sustained a pretty traumatic brain injury and to look at me he probably wouldn't have any clue as it does not affected my abilities to function cognitively, physically, or sexually, with that said it's been a process that I wouldn't wish on some of my greatest enemies. Well not my greatest enemies.. I do struggle with some things such as memory, depression and anxiety, and may do things that why I'll never anyting that would be mean, violent, 4 anything in this is a big one for me without substantial amount of consideration 4 how you feel in my presence. I many flaws , although humbly I believe but I've been lucky enough two and a heron Lee become as a human being is someone who has the qualities such as loyalty, a pretty high degree of empathy with respect to making others I'm with know that they are safe and the biggest one is I think I get my greatest sense of joy and pleasure and knowing that our connection is bringing whatever it might be for you looks like you're feeling and emotions. I doubt anyone has made it down this far and forgive the all over the place messaging like I said some things are a challenge and as I talk this text into my phone my attention span is all over the place so event near me this far hello and I look forward to being maybe someone who you will look back on and be grateful that this eclectic site is our Ally brought us 2A point where we are grateful for okay my s

Unbound4allNJ's achievements 1

1 year

Unbound4allNJ's Comments

03 Jan 2024 Unbound4allNJ commented
Would love to be inside u
04 Dec 2023 Unbound4allNJ commented
Speechless, my God, what are we give?
23 Apr 2023 Unbound4allNJ commented
I'm a bit on certain titles has horse I'd like to fuck aren't you the whore though in this video please say it's so
23 Apr 2023 Unbound4allNJ commented
good girl .. I'm curious just how much you like your love cock and when I say, is this something you worship, would you be able to articulate that for me you don't have to but if I asked you two, would you be able to that word worship it's all about that good girl
23 Apr 2023 Unbound4allNJ commented
beautiful skin
24 May 2022 Unbound4allNJ commented
id fuck her


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