
Consent given I'll say stopCNC
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Universal City, Texas, USA
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Nothing Is Taboo
Favorite Porn: Rough
Joined: Feb 14th, 2019
Last Seen: 14h ago
Uploads: 12
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Friend Count: 14
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Board Posts: 13
Board Points: -3
My ex was dominate and so were her GF. They forced me to please them and whoever they wanted. They would pimp me out. They would force me to do whatever would please them and became more extreme every time. I became used to them humiliating and degrading, using me, and abusing me so much that I started to enjoy it. Now that they are no longer able to do it. I crave it and yet still can't find anyone to do it 

Whatgamertag's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

Whatgamertag's Comments

26 Jul 2023 Whatgamertag commented
I wish that would happen to me and instead of killing me at the end either knock me out again and tie me up or already have me bound so I can be used over and over again then when you get tired of me sell or give me to someone else so they can repeat the process of using me however they please
25 Jul 2023 Whatgamertag commented
Sadly I wish I was her


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