
I'm 19, live on a ranch and...
Gender Woman
Relationship It's a secret
Location Motherless dungeon
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Role Playing
Joined: Aug 23rd, 2009
Last Seen: Mar 23rd 2012
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I'm 19, live on a ranch and get bored real easy! I'm almost 5' and less than 100lbs. People tell me I look 12 or 13. I like older guys best because they tell me what to do and are nicer than boys my age. I like to role play about stuff I did or that happened when I was younger...and about things I hope happen in the future! : ) If you are an older man who is lonely or bored, married or gf is gone...and you wanna chat about your fantasies or mine...then email me! or say hi! : )

lilstaci's achievements 3

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5 years
10 years


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